目的 :了解潜艇环境对人心理的影响 ,特别是长期航行训练等应激事件对艇员心理的影响 ,进而为采取有效的心理干预措施提供依据。方法 :用SCL - 90量表、POMS量表、睡眠情况调查表、工作能力预测量表等四种量表和计算机化神经行为测试系统 (NES -C2 )对长航 6 0d的潜艇艇员进行了心理与工效的测试。结果 :6 0d航行后艇员的睡眠发生了变化 ,体力明显下降 ,身心疲惫 ,视觉简单反应时明显延长 ,联想记忆能力有所下降 ,艇员产生焦虑与困惑 ,但大脑的灵活性仍然是好的。结论 :经过休养 ,随着体能状况的恢复 ,心理状态、心理能力都会在很短的时间内得到恢复。
OBJECTIVE: To understand the influence of submarine environment on human psychology, especially the influence of stress events such as long-term navigation training on crew psychology, and to provide basis for effective psychological intervention. Methods: The SCL - 90 scale, POMS scale, sleep status questionnaire, working ability prediction scale and other four kinds of scales and computerized neurobehavioral testing system (NES - C2) were used to measure the submarine crew Psychological and ergonomic test. Results: After 60 days of sailing, the crew’s sleep changes, physical strength decreased significantly, physical and mental exhaustion, visual simple response significantly prolonged, reduced associative memory, crew members have anxiety and confusion, but the flexibility of the brain is still good of. Conclusion: After recuperation, with the recovery of physical fitness, mental state and mental ability will be recovered within a very short period of time.