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  重庆人民政府口岸和物流办公室主任胡红兵则认为,高质量建设“陆海新通道”,要加快构建垂直整合的产业链体系。为此,他建议:加强战略协同,实现相向而行;加强组织协同,确保同频共振;加强运营方面的协同,实现产业供应链、人流、物流、资金链深度融合发展;加强政策的协同,形成强大活力。   “相信在新通道沿線地区的共同努力下,‘陆海新通道’一定可以高质量发展,行稳致远,翻开历史篇章。”胡红兵这样说道。
  The Pan-Beibu Gulf, connecting many countries, serves as a crucial intersection for multi-regional cooperation. Back in 2006, following the trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration, Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum (PBGECF) came into being, marking the start of the Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation. Over the past 15 years, PBGECF has extensively gathered consensus on cooperation, actively expanded cooperation platforms, and strongly pushed all parties to move towards cooperation and win-win results.
  The 11th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum and 2020 Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port Cooperation Summit was held in Nanning, Guangxi on October 15, 2020. Government officials, well-known experts and scholars, business elites, industry personalities, and other representatives from China and ASEAN countries participated in this Forum both online and offline, and discussed topics on “Jointly Construct Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port and Explore New Model of Interactive Development” and “Build High-Quality New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor to Serve the Development of International Supply Chain” to promote Pan-Beibu Gulf cooperation and register tangible results.
  Pan-Beibu Gulf cooperation enjoys broad prospects in the new era
  As the bond linking China and ASEAN by sea and land, Pan-Beibu Gulf has received increasing attention from all parties due to its unique geographical location, rich natural resources, good cooperation foundation, and broad development prospects. Especially as China and ASEAN continue to enhance cooperation, Pan-Beibu Gulf Cooperation as an important sub-regional cooperation under the framework of China-ASEAN cooperation has also been placed more high expectations.
  At this Forum, all participants agreed that under the influence of the COVID-19, China and ASEAN have consolidated economic and trade investment cooperation against the trend, fully demonstrating the resilience of China-ASEAN cooperation and also reflecting the broad prospects of Pan-Beibu Gulf Cooperation. All participants looked forward to promoting ports construction and the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor to promote Pan-Beibu Gulf Cooperation and benefit the people of all countries in the region.
  “Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, China and ASEAN countries have maintained close communication and supported each other to promote regional economic recovery. Economic, trade and investment cooperation has risen against the trend. ASEAN will become China’s largest trading partner, fully demonstrating the profound foundation of China-ASEAN strategic partnership, and reflecting the broad prospects of Pan-Beibu Gulf Cooperation,” said Lu Xinshe, Secretary of CPC Guangxi Committee, China.   To this end, Mr. Lu suggested that the Pan-Beibu Gulf countries should take China’s accelerated construction of a new development pattern and the upcoming signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement as new opportunities, to jointly explore new methods and new rules for economic and trade cooperation and further smooth trade, jointly build and share the Beibu Gulf international gateway port to better serve the Pan-Beibu Gulf region and accelerate its integration into the global trading system, jointly improve the construction level of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and drive the complementary advantages of the China-ASEAN industrial system and deep integration. Besides, the China-ASEAN Year of Digital Economy Cooperation is an opportunity for both sides to jointly cultivate new momentum for regional economic development.
  H.E. Jurin Laksanawisit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, Thailand said that Pan-Beibu Gulf Cooperation is important regional-level cooperation, while the Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port is an important logistics base and transportation hub. It can cover west regions of China, ASEAN countries, and even central Asia and Europe through railway, waterway, and air. Therefore, the Pan-Beibu Gulf countries should give full play to the geographical advantages of  Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port and strengthen cooperation. Thailand is also willing to strengthen the connections among the Belt and Road Initiative, Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor, and New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and become a regional logistics center through the Beibu Gulf and even the gateway to China and the world.
  Build the Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port with joint efforts
  The Overall Plan on the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor released in 2019 has improved the status of Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port and made it officially a national strategy. What about the construction of the port now? How should we improve it? On this Forum, guests had a comprehensive discussion about jointly building Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port and brought a number of cooperation achievements.
  Zhu Lucun, Associate Dean of Transport Planning and Research Institute of Ministry of Transport, China, said that Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port, from an international perspective, is a new hub for the Belt and Road. Since the port links with the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, it connects Mid-Asia, Europe and ASEAN countries and serves as a new international mutual land-sea logistics channel. Therefore, he suggested that all parties should jointly build the Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port by strengthening the functions of the Beibu Gulf comprehensive transportation hub and logistics hub, improving the port collection and distribution channel, reducing the cost of port production and management, optimizing the port service function, and attracting domestic and foreign investment enterprises to participate in the construction of Beibu Gulf coastal industry belt, so as to jointly build Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port.   Wang Ming, Director-General of Institute of Comprehensive Transportation of National Development and Reform Commission, China, said that the Pan-Beibu Gulf region has the advantages of latecomer position and potential chances. All parties should explore innovative shared mechanisms in facilities, industry, and finance and open a new way for the development of shipping service cluster area, port industry cluster area, and modern logistics park with the support of the hub. By doing this, we can also bring the Beibu Gulf great opportunities to reconstruct the international trade system and high-quality logistics system, so as to achieve high-quality development.
  In addition, it is worth mentioning that in order to speed up the construction of Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port, this forum also obtained a series of important achievements: unified operation ceremony of Qinzhou International Container Terminal, commencement ceremony of Zhonggu Qinzhou Container Multimodal Transport Logistics Base, launch of Port and Shipping All-in-One Service Platform of Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port, launching ceremony of ASEAN (Cambodia)-Beibu Gulf Port Fruit Express Line, release ceremony of Guangxi Water Transport and Port Development Fund, signing ceremony of Qinzhou-Beihai-Fangchenggang Port-Based National Logistics Hub Alliance, signing ceremony of agreement on comprehensive strategic cooperation framework between Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd. and Shandong Port Group Co., Ltd., signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Provincial Seaport Investment & Operation Group Co., Ltd., and signing ceremony of cooperation agreement on Guangxi (Fangchenggang)-Chongqing (Jiangjin) “Southeast Asia Cold Chain Land-Sea Express” Cold Chain Train. With these achievements, the Beibu Gulf International Gateway Port will be jointly built into a world-class port.
  Build high-quality New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor to serve the development of international supply chain
  Aimed at achieving regional and national cooperation between western China and ASEAN, as well as other countries and dynamically linking the Belt and Road, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is a composite open channel with western China as a key section that reaches ASEAN countries like Singapore and further radiates Mid-East and Europe through railway, shipping, highway, and other transportation means. With the rapid development of the new channel, the construction now has been paid more attention and promoted by more countries. At this Forum, the participants also proposed to build a New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor of high-quality from aspects of infrastructure, policy coordination, and industrial layout, so as to help the development of international supply chain.   “With the deepening economic and trade cooperation between ASEAN and China, demand for logistics and procurement among countries in the region will increase significantly, and the logistics industry will also usher in new opportunities. Therefore, I suggest that we should jointly promote the construction of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and help the development of international supply chains by promoting the integration of international regional customs clearance, strengthening information exchange, and establishing a large-scale cooperation mechanism involving all parties,” said Teo Siong Seng, Executive Chairman of Pacific International Lines Group, Singapore.
  Hu Hongbing, Deputy Director-General of Port and Logistics Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, China, believed that in order to build a high-quality New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, it is necessary to speed up the construction of a vertically integrated industrial chain system. To this end, he suggested that efforts should be made to achieve mutual development by strengthening strategic coordination, ensure joint efforts by strengthening organization and communication, realize deep integration and development among industrial supply chains, capital chains and chains of people and logistics by strengthening operational coordination, and finally nurture strong vitality by strengthening policy coordination.
  “I believe that with joint efforts of parties, New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor will surely acquire steady, long-term and high-quality development, and open a new historical chapter,” said Hu Hongbing.
不求大而全,但求精而专  目前花红药业有花红片(颗粒、胶囊)、消肿止痛酊、葛根芩连丸等主打药品和一系列保健品、消杀品和医疗器械等产品,涵盖药材种植、研发、制造、批发、零售以及女性美容健身服务等纵向多元化产业,是国家高新技术企业、广西女性健康中成药工程技术研究中心。  取得今天的成就,花红药业用了几十年的时间。该公司前身是柳州市中药厂,20世纪90年代初中期因缺乏特色经营而陷入困境。寻求转型,走出一
2020年2月,在中国抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的关键时刻,上汽通用五菱凭借一句“人民需要什么,五菱就造什么”的口号登上各大社交媒体的热搜,再次用实力刷新了人们对这一“国民神车”的认知。  从造汽车到产口罩,这两者虽然看似不相干,但其背后也彰显了上汽通用五菱“资源雄厚、自主研发、主动求变”的硬实力,以及向多元化转型升级的成功转变。  自主研发 硬实力刷新“五菱速度”  在提出转产口罩的3天后,202
对于广西柳州钢铁集团有限公司(以下简称柳钢集团)来说,2019年是一个值得铭记的年份。在钢铁行业持续低迷的情况下,柳钢集团发展成绩连续取得突破,继2018年成为广西首家年利润超百亿的国有企业之后,2019年的营收首次突破1000亿,成为广西第一家营收超千亿元的制造业企业,引起行业瞩目。  “数字只是一种外在的呈现,它背后其实是我们柳钢这四五年来一直在稳定、可持续地发展。”柳钢集团党委书记、董事长潘
世人慌慌张张,只为碎银几两,偏这碎银几两能解万种愁肠。李光前忙忙碌碌,富甲一方,只为世人解万种愁肠。他倾其全部身家,捐助公益,惠泽至今;献血18次,直至70岁方休……  宁可身受冻 不要“改姓毯”  1893年,李光前出生在福建南安县梅山芙蓉乡(今南安市梅山镇竞丰村),在家排行老二。他幼年家境贫寒,但其父李国专对孩子们的教育相当重视,先后送他们去私塾读书。  后来李国专移居新加坡,1903年10岁
在中国市面上,大大小小品牌的喉片不计其数,但要说哪家的喉片最著名,金嗓子喉片一定位列其中。广西金嗓子集团在打造主打产品金嗓子喉片、发展中国市场之余,积极研发新品、开拓海外市场,成为国产老品牌焕新的成功案例。  小小的金嗓子,大大的市场  金嗓子喉片凉爽的口感存在于许多人的记忆中,广西金嗓子集团(以下简称金嗓子)更是知名的企业。该企业前身为始建于1956年的柳州市糖果二厂,历经半个多世纪的发展,广西
有人说,世间万物都敌不过“真香定律”。闻起来“臭臭”的柳州螺蛳粉,如今已成为众多粉丝的“真香”美食。不过,如果5年前你不在广西柳州周边,就很难吃到“正宗”或地道的柳州螺蛳粉。伴随着柳州螺蛳粉产业的快速壮大,如今无论你身处何处,只需要在购物网站找到具有“柳州螺蛳粉”地理标志证明商标的品牌店铺,动动手指下单,就可以坐等地道的柳州螺蛳粉送货上门。  从地方小吃到大产业  “每天有200万包螺蛳粉从柳州发
马来西亚传统纯手工娘惹绣珠鞋需花时间靠多人配合完成,而在追求快速时尚的时代,若要吸引较年轻顾客群,得从改良设计和提高舒适感着手。改革初期,绣珠鞋手艺传承者侯凤薜面对了不少挑战,所幸近年来,马来西亚国内外不少人开始懂得欣赏这门传统手艺的价值。  绣珠鞋是马来西亚马六甲峇峇娘惹的传统手工艺品,早年也有鞋匠懂得制作。侯凤薜和丈夫家皆非峇峇娘惹后裔,但公婆家是鞋匠世家,专门制作各类手工鞋,包括舞鞋、娘惹绣
近年来,柬埔寨经济稳步持续发展,年平均增速达7%以上,是东盟经济发展速度最快的国家之一。这个新兴市场的巨大发展潜力,从其港口业发展中可见一斑。  近日,通过线上参加第十一届泛北部湾经济合作论坛暨2020北部湾国际门户港合作峰会的柬埔寨国务兼公共工程和运输部大臣孙占托在接受本刊记者采访时表示,港口在助推柬埔寨经济发展中扮演着重要的角色,目前柬埔寨正在积极推动港口建设,并诚邀各国投资者前来投资。  港
封城、封国、医疗系统或崩溃……近期,当中国在新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称新冠肺炎)疫情防控上取得了实质性进展时,疫情在东盟国家的蔓延情况却令人担忧。2020年3月24日,随着老挝发现首例新冠肺炎确诊病例,至此,东盟10国已无一幸免。  然而,东盟是当前世界上的第五大经济体,而且政治经济文化宗教各不相同,从而给各国应对疫情带来了严峻的挑战。随着疫情的蔓延,东盟各国都采取了哪些防控措施?预期大致什么时候
世界银行最近发布的《世界发展报告》将目光聚焦于对生产贸易至关重要的全球价值链。以前,从产品设计、制造到销售都是在一个国家内完成,如今在国际分工的趋势下,每个国家只需负责一到两个环节的工作。专业化分工极大地提高了生产率,而运输和通信革命大幅降低了运输和协调成本,从而促进了全球价值链的兴起。  印度为加入涵盖了15个国家、覆盖全球半数人口的区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)历经了长达7年的谈判,其主