舍得花钱整改 实行联网照明

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江苏省射阳县海河镇高华村,原有9名村组电工,管理9台总容量为535千伏安配电变压器和17.5公里低压线路.1996年用电量达157400千瓦时,其中照明电量占61%.过去,由于9台配变同时供电,除农灌高峰季节外,供电状况属于典型的“大马拉小车”,再加上导线细及人为原因,线损率和照明电价长期居高不下.针对这种情况,镇电管站多次到高华村主动与村干部分析原因,共商对策,下决心增加投入,改造配网.为此,多方筹措资金15万元,彻底整改了所有低压线路,将橡皮线换成25平方毫米的钢芯铝绞线,减少了迂回线路2.4公里.同时,坚持从实际出发.改变原来9台“配变”全部供电照明的格局,调整“配变”布点,只用两台“配变”承担联网照明,避免了“大马拉小车”的不合理现象.与此同时,该村又将9 Gaohua Village, Haihe Town, Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, originally nine village group electricians, manages 9 sets of distribution transformers with a total capacity of 535 kVA, and 17.5 km of low-voltage lines. In 1996, the electricity consumption reached 157,400 kWh, of which lighting Electricity accounts for 61%. In the past, due to the simultaneous supply of power from 9 distribution transformers, in addition to the peak season of agricultural irrigation, the power supply status was a typical “big horse-drawn vehicle”, coupled with fine wire and man-made reasons, line loss rate and long-term lighting price. In view of this situation, the town power management station has repeatedly approached Gao Huacun to take the initiative to analyze the causes with the village cadres, discuss the countermeasures, and determined to increase input and transform the distribution network. To this end, various parties raised funds by 150,000 yuan. Reorganized all the low-voltage lines and replaced the rubber line with a 25-mm2 steel-cored aluminum-stranded cable, reducing the number of circuitous lines by 2.4 kilometers. At the same time, we insisted on proceeding from reality. Changed the pattern of all nine power supply lightings with “distribution” and adjusted. “Distribution change” deployment only uses two “distribution changes” to undertake networked lighting, avoiding the irrational phenomenon of “big horse-drawn cars”. At the same time, the village will again
必须看到,外资大规模流入已对民族工业的生存与发展构成了威胁,倘若听任这种情况继续下去,我们的民族工业乃至整个国民经济将受制于人。 It must be noted that the large-s