枇杷采摘后的管理非常重要,管理措施的落实是决定下一年产量的关键,也是影响品质优劣的重要环节。 1早施重施基肥 枇杷采摘后是改良土壤的重要时期,本次施肥是一年 3次施肥中最重要的一次,通过早施肥、重施肥,培养健壮充实的夏梢,经过 7~ 8月的花芽分化、秋冬才会早
The management of loquat picking is very important, the implementation of management measures is to determine the key to the next annual output, but also affect the quality of an important part. 1 Early application of heavy base fertilizer Loquat picking is an important period to improve the soil, the fertilization is the most important of the three times a year fertilization, through early fertilization, fertilization, cultivate robust summer tip, after July to August The flower bud differentiation, autumn and winter will be early