本文旨在概要地描述乔治·库布勒(George Kubler):他的生平,他的成长,他的著作,他的发展以及他的艺术史观。他的学术成就富有创建,纵向而论它,涉及美国艺术史研究发展过程中的重要阶段,横向而言,它覆盖许多大陆,许多时区,各种手法和各种规范。在美国学术界,他的学术生涯别具一格,他另辟新径,不守成规,他的生涯及其思想的发展为人们提供了一个珍贵的研究典范。
This article aims to outline George Kubler: his life, his growth, his writings, his development, and his artistic history. His academic achievements have been created richly. Longitudinally speaking, it covers an important stage in the development of the study of American art history. Horizontally, it covers many continents, many time zones, various tactics and various norms. In the academic world of the United States, his unique academic career, his new path, unruly, his career and the development of his thoughts provide a precious example of research.