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做区域经济专题的策划,对我来讲,已不是第一次。有时听到读者的赞许,心里还生发了些许的得意。但当我着手策划《山西突围》时,由起初的激动转化成最后驾驭的难度所生成的“写作痛苦”,几乎使我陷入了一种神思恍惚的境地。之所以这样,是自认为《山西突围》主题重大。在做本期策划之前,我对山西的了解少得可怜。儿时常听一首歌中唱到“人说山西好风光”,便认为山西应是一个山川秀美,也是很富足的地方。后来知道那儿不仅是中国的产煤大省,在明清的时候,曾以晋商而闻名天下的晋中地区还是东方的“华尔街”。余秋雨在《抱愧山西》一文中写到:“19世纪乃至以前相当长的一个时期内,中国最富有的省不是我们现在可以想象的那些地区,而竟然是山西!直到20世纪初,山西,仍是中国堂而皇之的金融贸易中心。北京、上海、广州、武汉等城市里那些比较像样的机构,最高总部大抵都在山西平遥县和太谷县几条寻常的街道间,这些大城市只不过是腰缠万贯的山西商人小试身手的码头而已。”如此的“风水宝地”怎么到了今天还要“突围”呢?这个问号源自有关山西的一组数据:国家统计局调查显示,2000年上半年,山西城镇居民人均可支配收入最低为2493.72元,比全国平均水平低930.28元,位居全国倒数第一;近几年,山西GDP无论总量还是人均都在 It is not the first time for me to plan the special topic of regional economy. Sometimes hear the reader’s approval, my heart also gave birth to a little bit of pride. However, when I started to plan the “breakthrough in Shanxi,” the “painful writing” that was generated from the initial agitation into the difficulty of final control almost left me in a state of trance. The reason why this is that since the “breakthrough in Shanxi” theme. Before doing this planning, I know little about Shanxi. Children often hear a song sing “people say good scenery in Shanxi”, they think that Shanxi should be a beautiful, but also very rich place. Later it became known that there was not only a large coal-producing province in China, but also the “Wall Street” in the east of Jinzhong, a region well-known for its Shanxi merchants during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Yu Qiuyu wrote in his article entitled “Holding a Shame on Shanxi Province:” During the rather long period of the 19th century and even before, the richest provinces in China were not those that we can now imagine, but turned out to be Shanxi. Until the early 20th century, Shanxi Is China’s magnificent financial and trade center.Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities in the more decent institutions, the highest headquarters in Shanxi Pingyao County and Taigu County, probably some of the most unusual streets, these metropolitan cities are nothing but wealthy Shanxi businessmen try their hand quay. “So” feng shui treasure "how to break even today? The question mark from a set of data on Shanxi: National Bureau of Statistics survey shows that the first half of 2000, Shanxi The lowest per capita disposable income of urban residents was 2,493.72 yuan, 930.28 yuan lower than the national average, ranking the first in the country. In recent years, both GDP and per capita
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通过数学模拟计算,预测了烧炭区气体人口氧浓度、气体入口温度、气体流量、催化剂初始发含量、催化剂循环量等操作参数对再生器烧炭区操作状况的影响. Through mathematical