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记者:近些年,我国地热直接利用总量达到世界第一,如何客观看待这样的成绩?汪集暘:过去10年,中国是以发展中低温地热资源为主,从20世纪90年代起,地热直接利用的总量达到世界第一,而且已经有了很好的初步经济效益。但是,中国通常使用的地热直接利用,其能量使用平均效率在30%左右,远远低于地热发电的73%,是一种粗放型的利用方式。记者:与国外地热发电相比,我国的情况怎样?汪集暘:在地热直接利用方面与技术较成熟 Reporter: In recent years, China’s direct use of geothermal energy to reach the world’s first total, how to treat such an objective objective? Wang JI: In the past 10 years, China is based on the development of low-temperature geothermal resources, from the 20th century, 90’s, The total amount of direct use of geothermal reached the world’s first, and already have a very good initial economic benefits. However, the commonly used geothermal energy in China is directly used, and its average energy use efficiency is about 30%, much lower than 73% of geothermal power generation, which is a crude utilization mode. Reporter: Compared with foreign geothermal power generation, what is the situation in our country? Wang JI: In the geothermal direct utilization of technology and more mature
1931年冬,日本关东军河野中佐指挥着一个骑兵大队,在辽西一带多次烧杀掳掠,当地百姓深受其害。为了对付日本鬼子这支骑兵,抗日义勇军总司令黄显声将军决定组建一支骑兵队伍。组建骑兵部队,首先要有战马,于是,黄将军就派他的副官孙继先到内蒙古买战马。    孙继先和几名随从化装成马贩子,在内蒙古大草原上风餐露宿奔波了一个多月,终于买到了两百多匹膘肥体壮的战马。谁知,当他们赶着这群战马返回义勇军驻地的途中,
未来无人机或将会如红杉资本创始人Michael Moritz所说的:“像火车、汽车一样普遍”。在智能科技浪潮越来越猛的当下,发展的最快竞争最激烈的当属无人机领域。红杉资本创始人