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由美国桦青公司引进的催化剂与国产硅酸钠及其它助剂配制而成的M1500无机性水泥密封防水剂(简称M1500水泥密封剂)。这种防水剂,外观呈无色透明,有时略有混浊,是含有催化剂和载体复合水基溶液,将它喷涂在混凝土或水泥砂浆层的表面,会渗透到水泥结构的内部,并和水泥中的碱性物质起化学反应,生成乳胶体,增加混凝土密实性,堵塞其中毛细管,从而起到永久性的防水作用。其防水机理较为特殊,与常用的防水材料不尽相同,是我们目前所知的一种较为理想的刚性防水材料。M1500水泥密封剂具有无毒,无污染,耐老化的优点,同时铝块加混凝土硬度,防止建筑物表面风化,破裂和生长青苔;能使新灌注的混凝土固化均匀,防止局部干燥或产生裂纹;还能排出杂质,密封新、旧水泥,防止建筑物中的钢筋腐蚀;水泥表面经过用这种材料喷涂处理后,可防止地砖、地毡、油漆等的脱落。根据测试,其透水比,抗渗性能和复膜养护功能,参见表1、表2和表3所示。 The M1500 inorganic cement sealing and waterproofing agent (referred to as M1500 cement sealing agent) prepared from the catalyst introduced by American Huaqing Company and domestic sodium silicate and other additives. The water repellent agent has a colorless and transparent appearance and is sometimes slightly turbid. It is a composite water-based solution containing a catalyst and a carrier. It is sprayed on the surface of a concrete or cement mortar layer and penetrates into the interior of the cement structure and into cement. The alkaline substance reacts chemically to form a latex, increasing the compactness of the concrete and plugging the capillaries, thus providing a permanent waterproofing effect. The waterproof mechanism is rather special and different from the commonly used waterproof material. It is an ideal rigid waterproof material that we currently know. M1500 cement sealant has the advantages of non-toxic, non-polluting and anti-aging. At the same time, the aluminum block increases the hardness of the concrete, prevents the weathering, cracking and growth of the building’s surface. It can evenly solidify the newly poured concrete and prevent local drying or cracking. It can also remove impurities and seal new and old cement to prevent corrosion of the steel bars in the building. After the cement surface is sprayed with this material, it can prevent the tiles, carpets, and paints from falling off. According to the tests, see Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 for the permeability ratio, impermeability and lamination maintenance functions.
柔性财务管理是财务管理科学的一个新领域,但尚未引起财务管理理论界和企业界的充分重视。 柔性财务管理是相对于传统财务管理而言的,是在研究人们心理和行为规律的基础上,