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文艺理论界的辛勤探索、争鸣讨论,至今仍是方兴末艾。这是新时期以来我国文学艺术不断繁荣、发展的标志之一。永不停息的探索,目的正是为了建设具有当代精神、中国特色、足以和世界文艺思潮相对话相抗衡的社会主义文艺理论。起步早就开始了。本刊自本期起开设“当代中国文艺理论新建设”这个栏目,就是旨在适应这一发展趋势,愿为文艺理论建设竭尽绵力。需要说明的是:文艺理论建设谈何容易!它不可能一蹴而就,不可能一言定鼎;这是一项长期的,艰苦的,有待一批又一批文艺理论研究者们共同孜孜探求的历史课题。本栏刊发的文章都带有尝试性,有争议性,有的甚至可能有失误。关键在于文章有无新意,是否有助于文艺理论诸问题的深入研究和新的开拓。只要文章有某方面的长处,就可以说是对当代中国文艺理论的新建设做出了建设性的贡献。急于求全责备,常常是于事无补的。如何办好这一栏,我们热切盼望得到文学界内外读者诸君的关怀和支持。对本期所刊发的一组笔谈,这里也略加说明:去年岁尾,本刊邀请京、汉两地的十几位博士、硕士研究生和青年文学研究者漫谈文艺理论的现状并展望未来。青年朋友们各抒己见,侃侃而谈。他们的思考当然还不是十分成熟,但却新意纷呈,显示出文艺理论界又一代新人的青春气息。他们的思路有同有异,甚至是互相诘难、互不服气,这恰好有助于我们广开思路,从不同的角度、层面去进一步思索各自感兴趣的文艺理论建设问题。为此,我们代拟了一个总题目,将他们的发言要点刊登出来,供关心文艺理论建设的同好们参考。 Literary and art circles of hard exploration, contend for discussion, is still the last Fang Ai. This is one of the signs that our literature and art have continuously prospered and developed since the new era. The purpose of the never-ending exploration is precisely to build a socialist literary theory that is contemporary in spirit and Chinese with sufficient features to compete with the relative rhetoric of the world’s literary trends. Start early already started. Since this issue, this magazine has opened the column entitled “The New Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory” aimed at adapting to this trend of development and is willing to make every effort to build a literary theory. What needs to be clarified is that it is easy to talk about the construction of theory of literature and art! It can not be accomplished in a single step. It is impossible to say a word forever. This is a long-standing and arduous historical issue that needs to be explored jointly by a number of literary and art theory researchers. Articles published in this column are tentative, controversial, and some may even be in error. The key lies in whether the article is new and whether it will be helpful for the in-depth research and new exploration of various literary theory issues. As long as the article has some strengths, it can be said that it has made a constructive contribution to the new construction of contemporary Chinese literary theory. Eager to seek full blame, often does not help. How to do this well, we are eagerly looking forward to the care and support of readers both inside and outside the literary world. A series of written comments published in this issue are also briefly described here: Last year’s end, the magazine invited dozens of doctoral, postgraduate and young literature researchers in Beijing and Han China to talk about the status quo of the theory of literature and art and look to the future . Young friends express their views, talked about. Of course, their thinking is not yet very mature, but there are many new ideas, showing a new era of literary and art circles young atmosphere. Their ideas are different from each other, and even they are not willing to accept each other’s feelings. This just helps us broaden our thinking and further ponder the construction of literary theory that is of interest to them from different angles and levels. For this reason, we have drafted a general title on behalf of their fellow speakers and published them for reference by fellow initiates who are concerned about the construction of literary theory.
遇见,是一场缘分的开始。未曾谋面之前,我从未想过有那么多志同道合的语文人,也从未探究过语文人那颗孜孜以求的好学之心。经此之后,我慢慢懂得语文是一道需要等候的风景,在等候归人的旅途中你将会有美丽的邂逅。  初见李爱梅老师,是在教师版杂志的封面上,金黄的油菜花田里,李老师温婉地侧身而笑,远方的蓝天与近处的低笑和谐地印在我的脑海中。此次会议,有幸见得真身,脑海中倏地闪过“胸藏文墨虚若谷,腹有诗书气自华”