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  【Abstract】 This paper focuses on a tiny part of music in Western culture,black music. In 17th century, with the first black slaves landing on the America, their spirit was expressed by their music. This paper attempts to describe the black music's influence on the white's culture.
  【Key words】the black music; the white culture; religion; the white music.
   The most important function of music is that it reflects the times. In many ways, music gives us a more accurate picture of people and events than any other method available. And in the world, there are many music legacies that reflect and influence their times. The black music is an example.
  Black music,(also called African American music formerly known as race music) is an umbrella term given to a range of musical genres emerging from or influenced by the culture of African Americans, who have long constituted a large ethnic minority of the population of the United States. From the tap dance which is full of rhythms to the dolorous Blues, or from Hip pop to street dance, the art of black seemed always stay in the corner of the world. It wasn't in the center of the stage, but it has unique charm. And it has influenced the white culture in different ways.
  Several blacks clapped and tapped in a small countryside church in the American Northern. They sang loudly with complicated rhythms. A priest led a chorus, and the others echoed the song. They expressed their belief with rock and roll. They sang, "Well, well, well; we rock and roll…" It is the church that there were two white folklorists in the corner. They were John Lomax and his son Alan, who recorded the music they heard. This year is 1943, in which the two white folklorists found the black music. Thanks to the discovery, people realized a fashionable way of black music. Since then, the black music has been thought as an important art, which has influenced the white culture. However, before the formal record of the black music, black music existed for many years. In the 17th century, the African slaves have brought the black music with them. Brought to America in captivity and sold into slavery, Africans carried their culture with them as best they could. Music and dance —— an integral part of African life —— became an important part of life for blacks in America. Both slaves and free blacks used music as an accompaniment to work, worship, and celebration. For money, for fun, and at the command of plantation masters, blacks played music and sang at public performances and private social gatherings catering to both whites and blacks. And both free and enslaved African American people in post-war America composed and performed music in a wide variety of styles. Like their white counterparts, they listened to and performed some popular white composers.
  In 17th century, for solving the lack of labors that came with the development of the New World, colonists began to trade slaves. They were treated as animals, and their only way to ease was singing. White Catholics, including religious, were among the slave holders. Jesuits owned about 300 slaves who worked their farms in Maryland in the 1830s. "The black music expressed religions by the common customs. Most of the owners of these slaves were Puritan who believed that singing is a kind of crime. Firstly, the black music was the only interest in the North in that time. Secondly, the blacks sang their songs in an accepted way. So the black music existed in the North of America as a miracle. It divided into two groups: soul and blues. The white culture has been influenced deeply. (Eileen Southern. 1997 W.W. Norton & Company)
  In the 1830s, the Great Awakening led to a rise in Christian fundamentalism, especially among African Americans.Christianity was used as a tool to make them easier to control. However, the black mixed the Christianity with their beliefs, because they did not want to lose their culture. At the same time, the white did not accept them as well.
  Today, the vast majority of African Americans practice some form of Protestantism, Black membership in the Catholic Church also has risen steadily over the past half decade. Because of the persistence of segregation and separatist choice, and because of their fundamentally more African styles of worship, generally, African Americans historically have established and maintained churches separate from those of whites.
  What's more, many Africans had been converted to Islam. Islamic religion and practice exist in the African-American community in many forms. Today, a number of African Americans are members of a group called the Nation of Islam, a quasi-religious organization with a Black Nationalist liberation theology founded in 1935. And this organization also absorbed some white people.
  For more than 200 years, ever since the arrival of the first Blacks in English America, Black American popular music has been the mainstream that defined all other tributaries.During and after slavery, Black Americans clearly demonstrated their propensity for improvisation in the songs they sang and played. Thus was born, at the turn of the century, ragtime and the blues, from which jazz evolved. Rhythm & blues emerged during the 1940s, rock |n' roll during the '50s, soul in the '60s, and funk and disco music in the '70s.
  The black music has attracted a lot of white fans that hoped to escape their breakdown society by touching it. But the most of the white only pay attention to making themselves different to others rather than express the real outrage that is the core of the black music.
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【摘要】 如何有效培养和提高学生的写作能力,首先要学会借鉴阅读材料中的修饰用词、句子结构以及文章体裁,从而掌握基本的写作要领。   【关键词】 写作 语言词块 句子结构 文章结构   在新的《普通高中英语课程标准》中,学生将在三年中学到80篇左右的阅读文章。课文材料是英语学习的主要输入的途径之一。新课标的教材选取了不同题材和体裁的经典文章,包含了许多重要的句子及常见的词汇和短语。借鉴阅读材料中的
【摘要】 英语教学应该与文化教学相结合,已成为教育界和广大英语教师的共识。鉴于目前初中英语教学对东西方文化交流的认识不够,本文提出学习新课标,树立新观念,充分利用课堂,课内外结合,利用多种途径,加强文化渗透与解读的方法,提高学生对中西文化差异的分析和理解,从而多角度地提高学生的英语水平。  【关键词】 新课标 初中英语 中西文化 多角度   语言是人类进行交流、交往的工具,也是只有人类才有的特殊
【摘要】 古诗教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,作为一名语文教师就应充分重视古诗学,并力求探索出教学古诗的新思路。笔者结合多年的教书经验,在此阐述几点肤浅的看法。  【关键词】 小学语文 古诗教学 教学思路   古诗是中国灿烂文化遗产中的瑰宝,是我们民族文化的精华,是我国悠久历史里一颗璀璨的明珠,也是人文教育和语言文字学习的丰富资源。它就像一杯陈年醇香的佳酿,滋养着炎黄子孙的血脉;又如一枚磁石,
自主互助合作学习是新课程改革积极倡导的有效学习方式之一,通过小组合作学习,学生参与学习的全过程,人人学得生动活泼,人人尝试成功的喜悦,良好的人际关系形成,参与意识增强,促进学生个性健全发展。在合作学习中,有效的学习方式能激发学生的学习主动性,提高课堂效率,增进学生友谊。  1.预习时合作,调动学习积极性  预习质量的高低,直接影响到课堂效果,而预习是否主动也影响预习的质量。但是一些同学缺乏预习的目
合作学习是指学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务,有明确的责任分工的互助性学习。由于它在改善课堂气氛,帮助学生形成良好的品质等方面产生了很好的效果,被人们誉为:"近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革!在新一轮课程改革的实施过程中,我特别注意引导学生开展小组合作学习,下面我简单谈谈我的做法及思考:   一. 小组合作学习的实践意义。   小组合作学习是一种内涵丰富,有利于学生主动参与的多样化
【摘要】 从英语诗歌理论知识的角度出发,探讨英文诗歌学习和鉴赏的教学,培养中学的审美情趣和欣赏能力。  【关键词】 诗歌理论 语言美 意境美 意蕴美   《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》中提出了五个基本理念和课程目标,对语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面分别提出了相应的具体内容标准,同时也要求教师不断地更新教育理念,在教学实践中探索出具体的,符合新课程和学生特点的教学
【摘要】 随着音乐新课程的发展,小学音乐教师除了具备传统要求的能力素质外还应具备哪些能力呢?文章认为还应具备与人协调、合作的能力;改善自己的知识结构和对课程的整合能力;教学反思和对学生进行合理全面评价的能力;具备将信息技术与音乐学科整合的能力;音乐课程的开发整合能力;具备音乐教育科研能力。惟其如此,小学音乐教师才能与新课程同步成长、与时俱进,成为新课程的有效执行者和积极建设者。  【关键词】 新课
数学学习活动基本上是数学思维活动,而数学语言是数学思维的工具,所以掌握数学语言是顺利地、有成效地进行数学学习活动的重要基础之一。我们应当把培养学生的数学语言和数学知识的学习紧密地结合起来,将它看成是数学学习的重要组成部分。这样才能更好地锻炼学生思维的条理性、逻辑性和准确性。   一、学会阅读数学,从中感悟数学语言   数学语言具有高度抽象性,因此数学阅读需要较强的逻辑思维能力。学会有关的数学术语和
例子:吃饭乃人生第一大事,当我在下课铃响0.1秒之后手捧我那刚买的新碗狂奔向目地时,地上的一颗小石子不知是怪我啃疼了它的肉体,还是故意与我过不去,偏偏要不识时务地跑到我的脚下来,害得我在没有一点思想准备的情况下,与大地母亲接起吻来,直至小嘴肿得老大,更可气的是,我那刚买的新碗不幸英年早逝。  ——选自《生活是一种幸福》  技法讲解:  你起过不少宴会吧?那些让你大饱眼福的宴席,是谁弄出来的呢?对,