HW/SW Co-optimization for Stencil Computation:Beginning with a Customizable Core

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenman
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Energy efficiency is one of the most important issues for High Performance Computing(HPC) today.Heterogeneous HPC platform with some energy-efficient customizable cores(as application-specific accelerators)is believed as one of the promising solutions to meet ever-increasing computing needs and to overcome power density limitations. In this paper, we focus on using customizable processor cores to optimize the typical stencil computations—— the kernel of many high-performance applications. We develop a series of effective software/hardware co-optimization strategies to exploit the instruction-level and memory-computation parallelism,as well as to decrease the energy consumption. These optimizations include loop tiling, prefetching, cache customization, Single Instruction Multiple Data(SIMD), and Direct Memory Access(DMA), as well as necessary ISA extensions. Detailed tests of power-efficiency are given to evaluate the effect of all these optimizations comprehensively. The results are impressive: the combination of these optimizations has improved the application performance by 341% while the energy consumption has been decreased by 35%; a preliminary comparison with X86, GPU, and FPGA platforms also showed that the design could achieve an order of magnitude higher performance efficiency. We believe this work can help understand sources of inefficiency in general-purpose chips and can be used as a beginning to customize an energy efficient CMP for further improvement. Energy efficiency is one of the most important issues for High Performance Computing (HPC) today. Heterogeneous HPC platform with some energy-efficient customizable cores (as application-specific accelerators) is believed as one of the promising solutions to meet ever-increasing computing needs and to overcome power density limitations. In this paper, we focus on using customizable processor cores to optimize the typical stencil computations - the kernel of many high-performance applications. We develop a series of effective software / hardware co-optimization strategies to exploit the optimizations include loop tiling, prefetching, cache customization, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), and Direct Memory Access (DMA), as well as necessary ISA extensions. Detailed tests of power-efficiency are given to evaluate the effect of all these optimizations comprehensively. The results ar e impressive: the combination of these optimizations has improved the application performance by 341% while the energy consumption has been decreased by 35%; a preliminary comparison with X86, GPU, and FPGA platforms also showed that the design could achieve an order of magnitude higher performance efficiency. We believe this work can help understand sources of inefficiency in general-purpose chips and can be used as a beginning to customize an energy efficient CMP for further improvement.
感染性休克是分布性休克的一种 ,血流动力学的表现以高心输出量、低外周血管阻力为特征。目前 ,对于感染性休克的治疗主要包括三个部分 :①保持足够的平均动脉压 ;②清除感染
本文对118例癫癎大发作及精神运动型发作的患者,就抗惊癫药物的血清浓度与患者年龄、性别、药物剂量以及癫癎发作的频度和控制之间的关系进行了研究。 118例中,男81,女37。
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