A comparison between two experimental studies using video modeling

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  Key words
  Pretend play
  Pretend play embodies symbolic behavior in which “one thing is playfully treated ‘as if’ it were something else” (Fein 1987). It requires the ability to transform objects and actions symbolically; it is furthered by interactive social dialogue and negotiation; and it involves role taking, script knowledge, and improvisation(Bergen 2002).
  Video modeling
  Video modeling is a technique in which an individual views a videotaped demonstration of a model engaging in desired behavior and is then provided an opportunity to imitate the model’s actions(Bellini and Akullian 2007).
  Play patterns of preschoolers with autism are often repetitive, ritualistic, and lacking in imaginative themes (Paterson and Arco 2007). These two papers discuss about early intervention on pretend play for children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD). The strategy used in the early intervention is video modeling, which is used to promote play skills in children with ASD and has been proved to be effective. The form below shows basic information of these two papers, followed by a discussion mainly about their differences on research design, research aims, research fidelity etc.
  Title Teaching Pretend Play Skills to a Student with Autism Using Video Modeling with a Sibling as Model and Play Partner Improving the Pretend Play Skills of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Effects of Video Modeling
  Author Kara A. Reagon, Thomas S. Higbee and Katie Endicott Elyse Boudreau and Barbara Entremont
  Publishing Year 2006 2010
  There is only one 4-year-old preschooler in the 2006 research while there are two preschoolers of the same age in the 2010 research, all participants diagnosed with ASD. Number of participants may have affected the research design which will be discussed later.
  As for the video models, participant’s older brother took part in the 2006 research, as a video model in two of the four scenarios as well as his play partner in follow-up phases, while an adult model acted in both videos which were made according to participants’ interests and abilities but didn’t play with participants in the 2010 research.
  Speaking of the research design, researchers applied A-B quasi-experimental design in the 2006 research while single-subject design with multiple baselines across subjects was used in the 2010 research. Due to the limited number of participants, researchers do not have many choices on experimental designs. When there’s only one participant, A-B/A-B-A/A-B-A-B design in signal-subject design is often preferred and when there are more participants, multiple baselines across subjects in signal-subject design becomes possible. What can be seen here is that from the aspect of research design, later research is more experimental because the behavior change due to passage of time was eliminated by the design itself.   Difference on research aims also exist. While the 2006 research aims to replicate the effects of using siblings as video models and play partners in pretend play contexts of a former research, the 2010 research emphasizes the generalization and maintenance of newly learned play skills in different settings and to novel toys. So the former one is more like a verification research while the later one is more like an exploration research.
  Dependent measurements including modeled actions, scripted statements and unscripted statements/spontaneous verbalization are measured in both experiments but unmodeled actions were also scored in 2010 research which can be seen as a progress because contextually related unmodeled actions are also signs of pretend play skills.
  Big difference emerges when it comes to generalization and maintenance phases. In the former research, the follow-up phase is identical to the baseline phase which is the characteristic of A-B design but has the limitation that the final effects might be caused by the passage of time but not the intervention itself. But the research in 2010 is more strictly controlled in which generalization phase and maintenance phase are rigorously designed and separately carried out.
  Another difference can be found when it comes to treatment fidelity which was implemented in the 2010 research but was not discussed in the former one. Measurement of treatment fidelity is one of those significantly important factors that indicates the rigor of an experiment because it ensures the intervention is practiced according to the protocol thus avoid irrelevant factors that might influence the results. Last but not least, no matter what kind of intervention is applied in promoting play skills of children with ASD, participants’ prerequisite skills need to be carefully identified because one intervention is effective for this child may not bring same effects for another one.
  Fein, Greta G. 1987. “Pretend Play: Creativity and Consciousness.” In Curiosity, Imagination, and Play: On the Development of Spontaneous Cognitive and Motivational Processes, edited by Dietmar G?rlitz and Joachim F. Wohlwill, 281–304.
  Bergen, D. (2002). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1), n1.
  Bellini, S., & Akullian, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of video modeling and video self-modeling interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Exceptional children, 73(3), 264-287.
  Paterson, C. R., & Arco, L. (2007). Using video modeling for generalizing toy play in children with
  autism. Behavior Modification, 31, 660–681.
【Abstract】:As the tool for Linguistics study, electronic corpus has been created with a history about a century. However, it is still new in applied linguistics, particularly in foreign language teach
【摘要】:班级管理不应是老师约束学生,而是学生自我约束,现代班级教育要以学生全面发展为本,着力培养学生自主教育的意识和能力。培养学生自主管理能力不仅是提高班级管理效益的重要手段,更是一种提升学生主体意识的教育策略。  【关键词】:学生自主管理;养成教育周;民主选举;自主管理氛围  对于班主任来说,班级管理是一项艰巨复杂而意义重大的工作。所以当好班主任不容易,当好寄宿制学校的高中班主任更不容易!如何
【摘要】:对于小学语文课堂教学效率而言,主要是在有效的课堂时间内,借助专业的授课模式,使得学生获取更多的知识,从中有所收获。因此,要重视对小学语文课堂教学效率的提升,尤其是面对新课改,要重视形成具有针对性的教学策略,实现小学语文课堂教学品质的提升,促进教学目标的实现。  【关键词】:新课程时期;提高;小学语文;课堂教学效率  前言:  对于小学语文教学而言,其是基础性學科,有助于培养学生的语言和逻
【摘要】:在初中历史教学中要提高课堂教学效率就必须激发学生学习历史的兴趣,在课堂上面营造一种宽松和谐的愉悦教学环境以及灵活采用教育教学手段方可达到教学目的。  【关键词】:高效;兴趣;红歌;愉悦  一、激发学生学习兴趣  著名教育家乌申斯基说过:“没有丝毫兴趣的强制学习,将会扼杀学生探索真理的欲望。”只有学生喜欢了它才会更用心地去学,作为初中历史老师就应该将这些“死”的历史知识讲活,激发学生的学习
【摘要】:专职辅导员与兼职班主任是高职院校大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,但在实际的分工协作中存在诸多问题。新形势下继续加强和改进大学生思想政治教育方法,克服存在的问题,构建有效的协同工作机制,充分发挥二者的合力作用,具有重要的现实意义。  【关键词】:高职院校;专职辅导员;兼职班主任;分工协作  教育部在《关于加强高等学校辅导员、班主任队伍建设的意见》中明确指出:辅导员、班主任“是高等学校从事德育
遗传证明题是高考题有关遗传变异内容的一个常见题型,现将有关解法进行小结。  一、证明生物某性状属于细胞质遗传还是细胞核遗传  方法:将具有相对性状的纯合亲本进行杂交;  结果及结论:无论正交还是反交,后代只表现出母本性状,则为细胞质遗传;  无论正交还是反交,后代均表现出显性性状,则为细胞核遗传。  二、细胞核遗传相关问题  (一)验证基因的分离定律或某性状由一对等位基因控制  方法:测交法、自交
【摘要】:初中英语教学的基木目的是激发学生的学习兴趣和培养学生学习英语的基木技能、而语言是一种思维和交流工具,所以初中英语教学过程中需要和情境教学法相结合。初中英语情境教学法,以情景教学理论为基础,通过师生一起创造良好的英语教学情景,完成教学任务的方法。在具体的实践中,存在多种多样的形式,但必须以学生为中心,让学生真正融入到所创设的情境中去,这样才能真正提高教学质量。  【关键词】:初中;英语;情
【Abstract】: English reading anxiety is a kind of synthesis about self-consciousness, emotion, action, and correlated with the English classroom learning in English learning process. The first year of