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  去年以来,世界经济的格局发生微妙的变化,三大经济体陷入衰退。到目前为止,外国对美国的直接投资仍进一步放慢。据J P摩根财团东南亚金融投资部的研究,目前有近50%的全球资金集中在亚洲地区,而美国下降到40%以下,欧洲仍保持在近15%的水平,亚洲已成为新兴资金市场中心。一位联合国官员估计,目前约有1~2万亿美元的外资滞留在香港一带,准备进入中国大陆和周边地区。
  七月份的金融形势依然不容乐观,通货紧缩有增无减。从货币流动性稳步上升,企业存款明显增加的情况看,货币供应量比较宽松,但传导机制不畅,体内循环明显,增加的货币供应很大一部分又流回央行,央行第二季度货币政策执行情况报告表明,6月末金融机构超额准备金率平均6.78%,准备金率合计12.78%。目前的问题是,20%的优质客户集中了80%的贷款,主要是垄断部门和大型企业,而80%的中小企业贷款困难,结构性短缺严重。为了疏通信贷渠道,工商银行率先进行了业务创新,继推出法人账户透支业务后,又推出了支持小企业发展的八项新举措,首次制定了小企业的信用等级评定办法和信贷掌握标准,降低小企业融资“门槛”。中央银行肯定了这种做法,最近发出《关于进一步加强对有市场、有效益、有信用中小企业信贷支持的指导意见》,要求商业银行在坚持信贷原则的前提下,加大支持中小企业发展力度,制定适合中小企业的信贷评估审查制度,允许商业银行试办中小企业专利权质押贷款等信贷新业务。此举无疑有助于缓解中小企业贷款难的问题,但同时也增加了风险,实际效果有待检验。问题的关键在于,目前的金融问题不是货币政策的松紧问题,而是金融体制的问题。 应从金融市场细分,发展金融竞争,扩大金融服务,提高金融效率上做文章。
  Auto Production Accelerates Industrial Grow0thForeign Trade & Investment Go Up RaPidly
  ——An Analysis of China‘s Macro-economy in July
  By Zhang Shuguang,Director of the Beijing Tianze Economics Instifute,Wang xinbo & Jin Sanlin
  China‘s macro-economy in July sustained the goodmomentum of growth for the first half of the year. Therapid growth of the automobile industry heralded a gradualformation of a new hotspot in consumption and accelerated theentire industrial growth. Remarkable increases were alsowitnessed in export and foreign investment. However, stagnantconsumption and continuous price slide cast a shadow on theeconomic development. Meanwhile, the growth rate ofinvestment showed a down turn, which still relied on thegovernment expenditure and projects supported by state bonds.The month also witnessed a stern financial situation, althoughthe monetary policy tended to relax. The reform of banks hasbecome a pivotal focus, so does the orientation of the stockmarket.
   The brightest spot of the economic operation in July shouldbe the outstanding performance of the auto industry, which wasa major driving force for the industrial growth as a whole. Almostall the domestic auto makers saw a remarkable increase in theirproduction. Along with the marginal increase in the car output,the auto industry showed the best economic results among allthe industrial sectors. According to statistics of the AutomobileIndustrial Association, the average profit rate of the automanufacturers nationwide in the first half of the year increasedby 36.38% over the same period of last year. The industrial sectorof transportation equipment saw an increased profit of 5.2 billionyuan in the first half of the year, of which nearly half wasattributed to the auto industry.
   This came as a surprise to many specialists and industrialwatchers who had anticipated a great shock to the domestic autoindustry after China‘s accession to the World Trade Organization.The domestic automobiles did not suffer much pressure fromtheir imported counterparts due to the following reasons: 1. Asteep price cut for domestic cars, which stimulated the consumers‘desire to buy. 2. A buffer zone effect of the import quota andpermit. The import quota of cars quadrupled the figure of lastyear, yet it was tilted to the parts and components. In comparison,only 12,000 assembled cars were to be imported under thepermits. This plus the time-consuming issuance of the permit,alleviated the import pressure on domestically produced cars.So far a stock of 25,000 imported cars were detained at thecustoms due to the slow issuance of permits. 3. Exchange raterisks for import car dealers. Early this year the lowered tariffcaused a 10% cut in the price of imported cars, but the revaluedEuro and Japanese Yen by nearly 10% since June almost offsetthe lowered tariff. This, plus the slow issuance of import permits,resulted in an increase in the price of imported cars, turning mostcar buyers to domestic makes.
   The rapid growth of auto industry has benefited from theformation of a new hotspot in consumption. International practicehas shown that automobiles begin to enter individual familieswhen a country‘s average per capita GDP reaches USS1,000,and a fast growth in car consumption is witnessed when the percapita GDP reaches somewhere between US$3,000 andUSS 10,000. Last year China‘s per capita GDP averaged aroundUS$910, while the per capita GDP hit US$4,568 in Guangzhou,US$4,500 in Shanghai and US$3,000 in Beijing. This indicatesthat some of the large and medium-sizedcities in China have entered the stage offast growth in car consumption.
   A similar phenomenon was observedin production and marketing of traditionalfamily electrical appliances. There was alimited growth in the production, sale andimport of color TV sets in the first half ofthe year, while the production in Julyincreased further by 70.3%.
   Export also increased rapidly in July.In the first half of the year, foreign-fundedenterprises accounted for more than half ofthe country‘s export volume, of whichprocessing trade accounted for threefourths. Relatively speaking, the processingtrade and general trade undertaken by state-owned enterprises grew by 7.5% and 0.6%respectively, which appeared rather slow.Transnational corporations are taking Chinaas a world base for manufacturing andexport-oriented processing, which is amajor force for the marginal increase inexport this year. The southeastern coastal areas furnished mostof the export, with Guangdong alone accounting for 36.6% ofthe nation‘s total export volume from January to July. What meritsspecial mention is the fact that the import growth rate in Julysurpassed that of the export, which may affect steel, non-ferrousmetal and machinery industries and some agricultural products.On the other hand, beneficiaries of the high increase in exportare mainly foreign-funded enterprises, while the cost of importimpact is mainly shouldered by state-owned enterprises.
   Some studies show that about half of the global fundsconcentrate in Asia, which has become a new center of capitalmarket. It is estimated that some US$1,000-2,000 billion inforeign capital is detained in the Hong Kong area and is ready toenter China‘s mainland and its surrounding areas.
   In this context the influx of foreign capitals to China isobviously quickened. But there is a serious flaw in the mode ofChina‘s application of foreign capital, which is manifested in itsreliance on incremental investment. This has but little impact onthe existent capital stock. Many transnational corporations areinterested in mergers and acquisitions in China. Last year, morethan 80% of the global transnational investment was realizedvia mergers and acquisitions, whereas mergers and acquisitionsaccounted for only 5-6% of China‘s actually realized directforeign investment of US$40.7 billion in 2001. Due to the absenceof a mechanism for mergers and acquisitions, the avalanchedthe current capital stock, further squeezing the survival spacefor the state-owned enterprises.
   In July, the State Economic and Trade Commission indicatedthat China would shift the focus of its usage of foreign capitalsfrom industry to the service industry, and that banking wouldbecome an important sector to draw foreign investment. The statewould boost the investment in the sectors that serve as intermediaryagencies for the market, such as banks, accounting offices, lawfirms and assets appraisal agencies, and encourage the developmentof Sino-foreign joint venture intermediary agencies. Officials of‘the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation haverecently revealed that the Regulations Concerning ForeignInvestment, Mergers and Acquisitions are hopeful to come outwithin the year. The regulations are expected to solve manyproblems concerning foreign-funded enterprises‘ mergers andacquisitions of domestic enterprises. The targets of mergers andacquisitions will include state-owned enterprises, non-stateenterprises and private enterprises. Meanwhile, the method of assetappraisal is being transformed, in such a way as to be in conformitywith the international practice.
   With aggravated deflation, the financial situation in Julywas still not optimistic. The steady growth in monetary mobilityand enterprises‘ deposits indicated a relax in money supply, yetmuch of the increased money supply circulated back to the centralbank. The implementation report on the monetary policy for thesecond quarter provided by the central bank showed that at theend of June the extra preparatory funding rate of the banksaveraged at 6.78%, with the gross preparatory funding rate at12.78%. The question is that 20% of the quality clients, who aremainly monopolized departments and large-sized enterprises, had80% of the loans, while 80% of the small- and medium-sizedenterprises could hardly get a loan. In order to clear things up,the Industrial and Commercial Bank took the lead in innovationby putting up eight new measures to support the development ofsmall- and medium-sized enterprises. This followed its promotionof overdrawn accounts for legal persons, which lowered thethreshold for small enterprises to raise fund. The move hassecured support from the central bank, which has recently issuedthe Guideline on Further Enhancing the Credit Support for Smalland Medium-Sized Enterprises Enjoying Markets, GoodEconomic Results and Credibility. The guideline asks commercialbanks to boost their support for small and medium-sizedenterprises and set up the kind of credit appraisal and reviewingsystems that suit the specific conditions of such enterprises.Besides, it allow commercial banks to operate some new creditbusinesses - for example, allowing, on a trial basis, small andmedium-sized enterprises to put their patent rights as mortgageagainst the loans they are to borrow. This will certainly makethings easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to get loans,but it also adds risks, so the practical effect remains to be seen.
   Since the beginning of this year high-ranking officials of thegovernment have time and again reaffirmed support for thedevelopment of stock markets, with a view to helping banks andkey state-owned enterprises get listed. The supervision authoritieshave published a series of policies to boost development of thedomestic stock markets. Yet a new phenomenon is witnessed inthe stock market this year, that is, the market itself lacks themotivation to operate on its own. When the favorable policieswere put up, the market would show a sudden rise. After that,however, the market tended to slide down, waiting for the rescueby policies. This is worth our attention. We think that the systematicflaws of China‘s stock market have affected the investment valuesof the stocks. The two major systematic flaws of China‘s stockmarket at present are: One. Two thirds of the shareholding rightsin China‘s stock market are not circulated, with the state-ownedstocks dominating the market. Two. The domestic capital marketis separate from the international capital market, with A, B, H, Nshares co-existing, and the domestic market investment costobviously higher than overseas market investment cost. AfterChina‘s entry to WTO, the orientation of the country‘sstandardization of its stock market according to internationalpractice is determined, the question of rather high price of thestocks circulated in the A-share market cannot be bypassed.
对待贸易壁垒问题,我方应以平常心应对,不要过于敏感,以为别人某项措施就是专门针对中国的,动辄将贸易壁垒问题或技术性问题政治化,要求采取贸易报复措施,打“贸易战”。    一、加入WTO就意味着竞争更加激烈    加入WTO后,我国出口产品面临着贸易壁垒接踵而来的形势,除了长期以来,往往对我出口产品进行国外反倾销、保障措施调查之外,技术性措施、检验检疫措施、知识产权、通关程序等非关税壁垒对我扩大出口
●新发地市场起到了农业产业化国家龙头企业的重要作用  ●市场在带动农户发展经济中有着良好的带动作用  ●市场有着自己特有的场所、引导、协调、杠杆和中介作用  入世以后,受到既来自上游生产、又来自下游零售双重压力的我国批发业,如何在商品经济流通中发挥应有的作用?批发企业怎样才能转型为符合我国国情、能胜任现代物流中心角色的功能?我国上个世纪80年代崛起的城郊农产品批发市场,应当怎样生存和发展?位于首都
通俗地讲,声学就是关于声音的学问,作为一门科学,它是物理学的一个分支,而作为一门技术,它却与现代信息技术、海洋技术、生物技术、微电子技术等密切相关,对国民经济和国防建设的各个方面产生了越来越重要的作用。为之,我们专程走访了国家惟一的声学专业综合性研究单位——中国科学院声学研究所。  1964年,国家根据国防建设与经济发展的需求,筹备成立了声学所,著名声学家汪德昭院士出任第一任所长,组织人员研究布署
一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。  在北京市对外交流活动中,也有一座桥梁,它就是北京市人民对外友好协会。  北京市人民对外友好协会自成立以来,在民间的对外交流中,发挥着重要的作用,也积累了丰富的经验。为此,笔者近日采访了北京市人民对外友好协会党组书记兼常务副会长张连生和国爱华秘书长。  张连生介绍说,该协会创建于1981年,是北京市从事民间对外友好工作的人民团体。二十多年来,协会坚持党的外交路线,围绕首
北京工业大学经济与管理学院以培养适应我国社会主义市场经济需要的经济管理人才为宗旨,立足北京,面向世界,借鉴、引进国内外优秀经管学院的先进经验,致力于建设国内一流的经管学院。  面对中国入世,有关专家指出,WTO自由、竞争、国际化的运作方式将对中国教育产生重大的辐射,最明显的可能就是营造一种文化精神家园,即自由贸易中的自由,奥林匹克式的竞争,道德约束将上升到经济增长的生命线。教育全球化成为经济全球化
一个完全失去听力的女学生在这里圆满地读完了大学课程,一批名校的名师和专家争相到这里担任学科带头人或执教,上万名合格毕业生从这里走上工作岗位,国学大师季羡林为它欣然命笔、题写了“诚信、自强、求实、笃信”的校训……它,正用自己成功的实践,书写着民办大学的辉煌。  北京东方大学创建于1984年,经过历任领导者和教职员工的艰辛开拓,已经走上了持续稳健发展的快车道。学校现有在校生3600余人,有较先进完善的
郑州经济技术开发区内设工业区、仓储区、混合区、生活区等四个功能区域,是河南省唯一的国家级经济技术开发区。  截至目前,在12.49平方公里的规划区域内,基础设施覆盖达7平方公里,5平方公里的起步区里布满了项目;累计进区企业270个,开工项目115个,固定资产投资36亿元,其中基础设施投资7.2亿元;修建道路28公里,绿化面积35万平方米;批准三资企业42个,实际利用外资3200万美元。形成了电子信
中国这几年的经济改革、开放与增长,导致世界上许多人在谈论中国成为“制造业大国”的可能性,其含义就是中国有可能成国际上的一个制造业生产基地,为世界市场生产相当大一部分的制造业产品。  在我看来,中国如果真的能在今后一二十年的时间里成为“制造业大国”,那将是中国的伟大成就,是中国抓住了一个“千年大机遇”,使自己完成工业化、现代化的目标得以实现。事实上,中国只有成为制造业大国,才能实现自己现代化的目标,
如何提高石油的勘探开发能力及整体经效益随之成为我国石油行业的重中之重。  当今世界,随着全球经济的飞速发展,被称为“工业血液”的原油的重要性日益凸现,成为各国普遍关注的热点。我国”十五”计划中也将原油与水及粮食并列为影响国家生存发展的三大安全物资而给予了高度重视。中国加入WTO后,对原油的需求量日趋增大,如何提高石油的勘探开发能力及整体经济效益随之成为我国石油行业的重中之重。而作为太空时代的高新技
上海金泽工业城的主人们把一行客人请进气派的会议室。当大家坐定后,突然有客人小声对临座说:“你看这个圆桌怎么有个缺口,正好是一个座位大小的空间。”  金泽工业城的沈永才总经理听到了这个很小的声音,卖了个关子,“我先介绍我们开发区的总体情况,你们先在心理猜吧,最后我再揭开谜底。”  据沈总介绍,上海金泽工业开发区位于上海青浦区金泽镇,规划占地仅1600亩。金泽开发区的地理位置非常有特点:一是“金三角”