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坚定文化自信,是习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会上的讲话中着力论述的一个重要方面。文化自信是一个民族、一个国家、一个政党对自身所拥有的文化及其价值的充分肯定和积极践行,是对自身文化生命力的坚定信心和对自身优秀传统文化的坚守和创新。坚定文化自信,才能具有奋发进取的勇气和发展创新的活力,才能克服艰难险阻坚定执着地走自己的路,才能积极扩展对外文化交往,在世界风云激荡中站稳脚跟。这是 The firm cultural confidence is an important aspect that General Secretary Xi Jinping put emphasis on in his speech at the General Assembly celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Cultural self-confidence is the full affirmation and active practice by a nation, a country and a political party of the culture it owns and its value. It is a firm faith in its own cultural vitality and its adherence to and innovation in its own fine traditional culture. Only when we have firm confidence in our culture can we have the courage to make progress and the vitality to innovate and innovate. Only in this way can we overcome difficulties and obstacles and firmly persist in our own ways so as to actively expand our cultural exchanges with other countries and gain a firm foothold in the turmoil in the world. this is
<正>目前,胃幽门螺旋杆菌(Holicobacter pylori,HP)与单纯门脉高压(Portal hypertension,PH)和门脉高压性胃病(Portal hypertensive gastropythy,PHG)关系的研究不多。我们通
2 中国的数字图书馆关键技术研究进展2.1信息的捕获与创建技术1999年11月24日,北京汉王科技公司召开了"专业OCR技术成果发布会",会上演示了该公司的专业OCR(光学字符识别)技