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应用型人才培养的宗旨应该是在注重理论教学环节时,更应该加强学生现场实用技术和职业技能的能力培养。传统的自动化教育是一种以教师为中心的“灌输式”、“填鸭式”教学,陈旧的教学方法授课形式单调,教学效果差,抑制了学生的主动性和创造性,不利于培养开拓应用型人才,不适应当代社会发展的人才需求。基本特点是“教师讲,学生听;教师写,学生抄;教师主考,学生应试”。教师作为教学活动的主导者,始终居高临下。这种教育模式的弊端很多,教学效果很差;缺乏理解,即使理论听得明白,遇到具体问题还是不知所措,不适应应用型人才的培养。 The purpose of application-oriented personnel training should focus on the theoretical aspects of teaching, but should also strengthen the practical skills of students and vocational skills training. Traditional automated education is a teacher-centered “indoctrination ”, “spoon-feeding ” teaching, the old teaching methods monotonous teaching, teaching poor, inhibit the initiative and creativity of students, is not conducive to Cultivate and develop applied talents, do not meet the needs of the development of contemporary society. The basic characteristics of “teachers say, students listen; teachers write, student copy; teacher exams, students should be tested ”. Teachers as the leader of teaching activities, always commanding. The disadvantages of this education model are many and the teaching effect is very poor. Without understanding, even if the theory can be heard clearly, it is overwhelmed by the concrete problems and is not suitable for the training of applied talents.
目的:  肾癌又称为肾腺癌或肾细胞癌(Renal cell carcinoma,RCC),起源于肾实质泌尿小管上皮系统,是泌尿系统最常见的恶性肿瘤.肾癌的临床症状不典型,约30%的患者在诊断时已
最近,我和心的关系发生了微妙的变化,似乎比以前亲密了。为什么会发生这样的变化呢?嘘——别出声,让我贴近你的耳朵,轻轻告诉你……  中午,我就发现心一直盯着我看,用一种求助的眼神。我隐隐感到她想对我说什么,却又显出欲言又止的样子。真奇怪。我平时与她并不怎么说话,今天她怎么会用这样的眼神看着我?  我正纳闷着,心就向我走来了。“洁,我想问你一个问题。”心见周围没人,俯下身来,贴近我耳朵,轻轻对我说。“