Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transitional event deposits of Guangxi, South China and their possible t

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A suite of event deposits, isochronous and interrelated in origin, occurs widely near the Frasnian- Famennian boundary in Guangxi, South China. It is mainly distributed in the facies areas of the platform-margin slope and inter-platform rift-trough. The rudstone or calcirudite occur in the Liujing section of Hengxian and Luoxiu and Baqi sections of Xiangzhou in the facies area of platform-margin slope. The turbidites are observed in the sections of Yangdi and Baisha of Guilin, Du’an of Debao, Nandong and Sanli of Wuxuan, Xiangtian, Ma’anshan of Xiangzhou, Nayi of Chongzuo, Yunpan of Shanglin in the facies area of inter-platform rift-trough. The massive homogenites occur in sections of Mangchang, Luofu and Road from Nandan to Tian’e and Ma’anshan etc in the facies area of inter-platform rift-trough. Herein event deposits can be correlated in stratohorizon to the turbidite in the bottom of the Lower triangularis Zone in Hony railroad cut of Belgium, Devils Gate of Nevada, USA, Atrous of Morocco, South Urals and Fore-Kolyma of northeastern Siberia of Russia, and erosional discontinuities and brecciation in the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in South Polish-Moravian shelf. The event deposits could be caused by a violent tsunami related to bolide impacts into ocean. A suite of event deposits, isochronous and interrelated in origin, ie, widely near the Frasnian- Famennian boundary in Guangxi, South China. It is mainly distributed in the facies areas of the platform-margin slope and inter-platform rift-trough. The rudstone or calcirudite occur in the Liujing section of Hengxian and Luoxiu and Baqi sections of Xiangzhou in the facies area of ​​platform-margin slope. The turbidites are observed in the sections of Yangdi and Baisha of Guilin, Du’an of Debao, Nandong and Sanli of The massive homogenites occur in sections of Mangchang, Luofu and Road from Nandan to Tian’e and Ma ’ anshan etc in the facies area of ​​inter-platform rift-trough. Herein event deposits can be correlated in stratohorizon to the turbidite in the bottom of the lower triangularis Zone in Hony railroad cut of Belgium, Devils Gate of Nevada, USA, Atrous of Morocco, South Urals and Fore-Kolyma of northeastern Siberia of Russia, and erosional discontinuities and brecciation in the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in South Polish-Moravian shelf. The event deposits could be caused by a violent tsunami related to bolide impacts into ocean.
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摘 要:文章对建筑工程混凝土施工过程中的技术、施工工艺进行详细的探讨和分析,并对建筑工程中,混凝土施工技术及应用提出了较详细的要求及保证措施。  关键词:建筑工程;混凝土施工;模板;施工技术    1 前 言  混凝土施工是工业与民用建筑工程的重要组成部分。混凝土浇筑质量的好坏,直接系到建筑物的质量安全。所以,明确全过程混凝土施工的技术要求,对确保工程质量有着举足轻重的作用。而对于混凝土工程的配料
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