
来源 :工会信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suals
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随着职工队伍不断壮大,工会组织体量、工会经费总量不断增加,资产规模不断扩大。传统工会经审理念和经审方法难当工会经审大任。工会经审信息化建设势在必行。近年来,海安县总工会借鉴计算机审计先进理念,利用信息技术进行经审作业和经审管理,实现工会经审高效监督管理目标。 As the workforce continues to grow, the size of trade unions and the total funds of trade unions continue to increase, and the size of assets continues to expand. The traditional trade unions rely on the concept of trial and trial methods unjustly union trial. It is imperative for trade unions to undergo trial and information construction. In recent years, the Hai’an County Federation of Trade Unions draws on the advanced concepts of computer auditing, using information technology to carry out rehearsals and audited management so as to achieve the objective of supervising and managing trade unions through trial and trial.
一、系统概况 酒埠江水库水文自动测报系统是1986年部水管司安排在雨多、高温、潮湿的南方地区进行的一个试点项目,由南京水利水文自动化研究所负责提供设备、安装调试。一
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本文应用有限差分法对锥形导水机构的导叶作了强度分析,建立了一整套计算用的力学模型,给出了相应的数学处理方法,为灯泡式水轮机导叶的强度计算提供了理论依据。 In this p
Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is a member of a large family of proteins that bind heparin and heparan sulfate and modulate the function of a wide range of