20 0 2年WHO出版了肿瘤组织学分类丛书中的前列腺分册的修订版[1] 。自 1980年第 1版问世以来[2 ] ,前列腺肿瘤病理取得了很大的进展 ,发现了许多新病变、并对一些已知病变有了新认识 ,从而对前列腺肿瘤的认识更加系统和完整 ,这为新版的修订奠定了坚实的基础。该书仍由国际著?
WHO published a revision of the Prostate Volume in the Tumor Histology Classification Series in 2012 [1]. Since the publication of the first edition in 1980, [2] great progresses have been made in the pathology of prostate tumors, many new lesions have been found, and new knowledge of some known lesions has been made so that the understanding of prostate tumors is more systematic and complete. This laid a solid foundation for the new revision. The book is still international?