20 0 1年太原·华北地区邮政学术交流年会经过与会代表的紧张工作和充分交流 ,于 2 0 0 1年 9月 7日在古都并州 (太原 )正式闭幕。这次会议经过预备会期间各省邮委联合确定征文选题 ,到各省市区校的认真征文、评审 ,共向大会提交论文 72篇 ,在山西省局、山西省各邮政专业局和太
After the intense work and full exchange of delegates, Taiyuan and North China Post Academic Exchange Annual Meeting was officially closed on the 7th of September, 2001 in the ancient capital and state (Taiyuan). The meeting after the preparatory session of the provincial commissions jointly determine the essay topics, to the provinces and municipalities school essay essay, review, a total of 72 papers submitted to the General Assembly, Shanxi Provincial Bureau, Shanxi Provincial Post Bureau and too