
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan737898
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文章报告了22例在18岁以后开始发病的喉乳头状瘤,其年龄为19~82岁,半数病人仅复发1次或无复发;半数复发1次以上。无1例恶变。作者们认为发生在青少年和成年后开始发生的喉乳头状瘤,二者在组织学上无显著区别,但其临床表现可不同。在儿童,开始即有声嘶并常有进行性的喉梗阻,多发性病变多见,切除后易复发,并常扩散到其他部位。除非以前接受过放疗,否则恶变不常见。而成年后发生的乳头状瘤常为单发,较少复发但易恶变。 Kleinsassen&Cruz(1973)将成年人之喉乳头状瘤分为二类:一类与青少年之乳头状瘤相类似,为非角化型,此型常为多发,复发也快。一类常是单发病变,应视为癌前病变。Quick等(1979)则认为非典型型和发育异常型预后较差。本文依其复发次数在1次以上或以下为标准将22例分为二组。并对其多发、复发及组织学特 The article reported 22 cases of laryngeal papilloma that began to develop after the age of 18. The age ranged from 19 to 82 years old. Half of the patients had only one recurrence or no recurrence; half of them relapsed more than once. No case of malignant transformation. The authors believe that the occurrence of laryngeal papilloma that occurs in adolescents and adulthood is not significantly different in histology, but its clinical manifestations may differ. In children, there are vocal and often progressive laryngeal obstructions at the beginning, multiple lesions are common, recurrences are easy after resection, and often spread to other sites. Unless previously treated with radiation, malignant transformation is uncommon. Papilloma that develops after adulthood is often solitary, with less recurrence but more malignant changes. Kleinsassen & Cruz (1973) classifies adult laryngeal papillomas into two categories: one is similar to juvenile papilloma and is non-keratinized, and this type is often multiple and has a rapid recurrence. One type is often a single lesion and should be considered a precancerous lesion. Quick et al. (1979) thought that the prognosis of atypical and dysplastic types was poor. In this article, 22 cases were divided into two groups according to their recurrence times more than one time or less. And its multiple, recurrence and histological special
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