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近日,娄星区档案局在全局干部职工中深入开展“三比三看”活动。一是比作风;二是比贡献;三是比效果。通过竞赛活动考验班子成员,考核各股室负责人,看谁的能力强,看谁做得好,看谁表现好。年底,经竞赛领导小组综合考评后,完成目标任务考评为第一名的分管领导和股室成员每人给予奖励。因工作不力,任务完成不佳的股室和分管领导,在年底考评最后一名的予以通报批评,由相关领导对责任人实行诫勉谈话。目前,该局各股室对照目标找差距,落实责任强措施,工作任务按目标管理责任到人,做到 Recently, Louxing District Archives in-depth cadres and workers in the “three to three see” activities. One is more than style; two is more than contribution; three is more than the effect. Team members through the competition test team, assess the person in charge of each unit to see who the ability to see who did well to see who performed well. By the end of the year, after the leading group of the competition comprehensively evaluated and evaluated, the leaders in charge and the members of the stock room who finished the first task of the target and task evaluation were rewarded. Due to poor work, the task of completing the poor stock room and in charge of leadership, at the end of the last one to criticize the criticism, responsible leaders by the relevant leaders admonished remarks. At present, the various departments of the Bureau control the target to find the gap, the implementation of the responsibility of the measures, tasks according to the target management responsibility to the people, so
《长生殿》极写唐明皇与杨贵妃“感金石,回天地”的生死之情,向来被称为是一曲帝王与妃子的爱情颂歌。马嵬事变后,唐明皇对杨妃的 The Palace of Eternal Life, written by
1990年修订后的物理教学大纲与1986年的大纲相比,初中部分共有18处作了修订。 (一)降低教学要求,共有7处。 (1)在长度测量中,不要求根据测量值判断刻度尺的最小刻度,也不要
黑河市爱辉区档案局对省、市档案通联工作认真安排部署,加大推进力度,采取有效措施,确保《黑龙江档案》征订任务超额完成。 Archives Administration of Heihe City, Aihui
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