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前苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“没有家庭教育的学校教育和没有学校教育的家庭教育,都不可能完成培养人这样一个极其细微的任务。”相对于其他各类教育,幼儿教育由于其教育对象的年龄特点,采取幼儿园和家园合作的方式更具有必要性,所取得的效果也更明显。过去,很多父母把孩子送到幼儿园,便认为教育孩子就是老师的责任,对孩子就一切不理了。幼儿园的教师也满足于封闭式的辛勤耕耘,而忽视了与家长的密切合作,很少主动与家长达成共识,共同教育孩子。但现在,随着对家庭环境和家庭教育作用认识的提高,随着我国学前教育事业的不断发展和深入,我们逐渐认识到:幼儿园的孩子在教育过程中,并不是家庭抑或是幼儿园单方面的进行教育工作,而应该是家长与幼儿园共同完成的教育。家园共育的思想已逐渐受到人们的关注,并已付诸实践。在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中更是指出:“家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴。应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,获取家长的理解、支持和主动参与,并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。”可见,当今幼儿教育对家园共育的工作已经非常重视。这也是在新时代的教育背景下,对幼儿教师提出的更严格的要求和挑战。 Sukhomlinski, a famous former Soviet Union educator, once said: “Without family education and without school education, family education can not accomplish such a subtle task of cultivating people.” Compared with other kinds Education, Early Childhood Education Because of the age characteristics of its education target, it is more necessary to adopt the method of cooperation between kindergartens and homes. The effect is also more obvious. In the past, many parents sent their children to kindergartens, they thought it was the teacher’s responsibility to educate their children and ignored all their children. Kindergarten teachers are also content with closed hard work, while ignoring the close cooperation with parents, rarely take the initiative to reach a consensus with parents to educate their children together. However, with the improvement of understanding of the family environment and family education nowadays, with the continuous development and deepening of the pre-school education in our country, we have come to realize that children in kindergartens are not in the process of education either uniformed or kindergarten unilaterally Education, but should be completed by parents and kindergarten education. The idea of ​​co-education in homes has gradually drawn people’s attention and has been put into practice. In “Guidelines for Kindergarten Education (for Trial Implementation)”, it is pointed out that “the family is an important cooperative partner of kindergartens and should obtain the understanding, support and active participation of parents in the principle of respect, equality and cooperation and actively support them. Help parents to improve their educational ability. ”" It can be seen that today’s early childhood education has attached great importance to the work of home-based co-education. This is also the more stringent requirements and challenges that kindergarten teachers put forward under the educational background of the new era.
校园文化建设在学校教育中的地位愈显重要。嘉惠中学注重把学校管理和校园文化建设相结合,努力形成自己的文化意识特色,提升校园文化品位,为师生打造和谐的精神家园。 The c