祝福、礼物、蛋糕、贺卡……这样的生日派对肯定是令人欣喜的。那同学们又是否知道,女巫温妮的生日派对会是怎样的呢?本期Joey老师和大家分享的故事就是Happy Birthday, Winnie,我们一起来看看女巫温妮是怎么筹办她的生日派对的吧!
本期推荐:《Happy Birthday Winnie》
When Winnie the Witch turned over(翻过) the page on her calendar(日历), she saw a big red circle around Friday(周五) the thirteenth.
"That’s my birthday(生日)!" she said.
"I’ll have a party(派对)this year, Wilbur.""Purr," said Wilbur. He loved parties.
"What kind of party?" Winnie wondered(思考).
"I know, a garden(花园)party."
On Monday(周一)Winnie wrote out the invitations(邀请函)and sent them by Winni-email.
On Tuesday(周二)she made herself a party dress, and a matching bow(蝴蝶結)for Wilbur.
On Wednesday(周三)Winnie made lots and lots of(许多)food.
Thursday(周四)Winnie took out her wand, waved it, shouted, ABRACADABRA!
And the garden was ready for (准备好)the party.
At two o’clock Winnie’s guests(客人)arrived(到达).
"Happy birthday, Winnie," they shouted(呼喊), and they piled up(堆起来)the presents(礼物)on the lawn(草地).
Wanda, Wilma and Wendy gave Winnie a magic carpet(魔毯).
Aunty Alice gave her a Book of Special Spells(魔咒书), and there was a magic trumpet(魔法小号)from Cousin Cuthbert.
First they played musical broomsticks(音乐扫帚).
Uncle Owen pushed Aunty Alice into a prickle(带刺的) bush. Ouch!
Cousin Cuthbert bounced off(弹开)a broomstick and landed(掉进)in the fountain(喷泉).
"The next game is hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)," Winnie shouted.
But there was so much noise (噪音)nobody heard(听得到)her.
So Winnie picked up her new magic trumpet(魔法小号).
Toot, toot, toot, Winnie tootled...
and everybody disappeared(消失了).
Winnie was cross(着急). Where had they gone?
IMPORTANT(重要): to make people disappear(消失), toot three times.
to make them come back, stand on your head(倒立) and toot three times.
So Winnie stood on her head. Toot, toot, toot, she tootled...and everybody came back.
"And now it’s time for the surprise," said Winnie. She opened her new Book of Special Spells(魔咒书).
"Shut your eyes and think about your favorite cake!" she said. Aunty Alice thought about chocolate(巧克力)cake.
Cousin Cuthbert thought about rainbow(彩虹) cake.
Wilbur thought about cheese(芝士)cake.
Then Winnie the Witch shut her eyes, turned around three times, and shouted, ABRACADABRA!
And there was the biggest(最大的)birthday cake in the whole world(全世界), with candles(蜡烛)on the top.
There was a layer(层)of chocolate cake, a layer of fruit cake, a layer of rainbow cake, a layer of cheese cake.
"How will you blowout(吹灭)the candles?" asked Cousin Cuthbert.
"That’s easy," Winnie rode(骑上)on her magic carpet(魔法飞毯) to the top of the cake.
Puff, puff, puffffffff!
"Ha ha ha," laughed Winnie.
"This party is such fun, Wilbur! I’m a very lucky witch."
Wilbur didn’t say anything.
His mouth was full(充滿了)of cheese cake. What a lucky black cat!
其实,生日派对只是一个形式,更重要的是可以收获大家对自己的祝福,毕竟,被深深爱着就是最大的幸运呀! 希望各位同学的家庭和友谊就像温妮最后给大家准备的惊喜那样——甜甜蜜蜜,长长久久。
同学们,读完了Winnie Happy Birthday,你是不是也迫不及待地想要准备自己的生日派对呢?请你在A4纸上先写出你的生日是什么时候(My birthday is on…)以及最喜爱的蛋糕是什么口味(My favorite cake is…),并画上你心目中最喜爱的蛋糕,最后把小作品发送到“小象英文教室”公众号后台,Joey老师会挑选出一位幸运儿,为你在小象英文教室里举办一场特殊的生日派对哟!
本期推荐:《Happy Birthday Winnie》
When Winnie the Witch turned over(翻过) the page on her calendar(日历), she saw a big red circle around Friday(周五) the thirteenth.
"That’s my birthday(生日)!" she said.
"I’ll have a party(派对)this year, Wilbur.""Purr," said Wilbur. He loved parties.
"What kind of party?" Winnie wondered(思考).
"I know, a garden(花园)party."
On Monday(周一)Winnie wrote out the invitations(邀请函)and sent them by Winni-email.
On Tuesday(周二)she made herself a party dress, and a matching bow(蝴蝶結)for Wilbur.
On Wednesday(周三)Winnie made lots and lots of(许多)food.
Thursday(周四)Winnie took out her wand, waved it, shouted, ABRACADABRA!
And the garden was ready for (准备好)the party.
At two o’clock Winnie’s guests(客人)arrived(到达).
"Happy birthday, Winnie," they shouted(呼喊), and they piled up(堆起来)the presents(礼物)on the lawn(草地).
Wanda, Wilma and Wendy gave Winnie a magic carpet(魔毯).
Aunty Alice gave her a Book of Special Spells(魔咒书), and there was a magic trumpet(魔法小号)from Cousin Cuthbert.
First they played musical broomsticks(音乐扫帚).
Uncle Owen pushed Aunty Alice into a prickle(带刺的) bush. Ouch!
Cousin Cuthbert bounced off(弹开)a broomstick and landed(掉进)in the fountain(喷泉).
"The next game is hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)," Winnie shouted.
But there was so much noise (噪音)nobody heard(听得到)her.
So Winnie picked up her new magic trumpet(魔法小号).
Toot, toot, toot, Winnie tootled...
and everybody disappeared(消失了).
Winnie was cross(着急). Where had they gone?
IMPORTANT(重要): to make people disappear(消失), toot three times.
to make them come back, stand on your head(倒立) and toot three times.
So Winnie stood on her head. Toot, toot, toot, she tootled...and everybody came back.
"And now it’s time for the surprise," said Winnie. She opened her new Book of Special Spells(魔咒书).
"Shut your eyes and think about your favorite cake!" she said. Aunty Alice thought about chocolate(巧克力)cake.
Cousin Cuthbert thought about rainbow(彩虹) cake.
Wilbur thought about cheese(芝士)cake.
Then Winnie the Witch shut her eyes, turned around three times, and shouted, ABRACADABRA!
And there was the biggest(最大的)birthday cake in the whole world(全世界), with candles(蜡烛)on the top.
There was a layer(层)of chocolate cake, a layer of fruit cake, a layer of rainbow cake, a layer of cheese cake.
"How will you blowout(吹灭)the candles?" asked Cousin Cuthbert.
"That’s easy," Winnie rode(骑上)on her magic carpet(魔法飞毯) to the top of the cake.
Puff, puff, puffffffff!
"Ha ha ha," laughed Winnie.
"This party is such fun, Wilbur! I’m a very lucky witch."
Wilbur didn’t say anything.
His mouth was full(充滿了)of cheese cake. What a lucky black cat!
其实,生日派对只是一个形式,更重要的是可以收获大家对自己的祝福,毕竟,被深深爱着就是最大的幸运呀! 希望各位同学的家庭和友谊就像温妮最后给大家准备的惊喜那样——甜甜蜜蜜,长长久久。
同学们,读完了Winnie Happy Birthday,你是不是也迫不及待地想要准备自己的生日派对呢?请你在A4纸上先写出你的生日是什么时候(My birthday is on…)以及最喜爱的蛋糕是什么口味(My favorite cake is…),并画上你心目中最喜爱的蛋糕,最后把小作品发送到“小象英文教室”公众号后台,Joey老师会挑选出一位幸运儿,为你在小象英文教室里举办一场特殊的生日派对哟!