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目的:研究老年人大肠息肉的好发部位及病理类型。方法:对电子肠镜检查中检出的老年大肠息肉患者的发病部位、病理类型进行分析总结。结果:362例老年大肠息肉患者中,男性268例(74.%),女性114例(26%)。息肉位于直肠140例(38.7%),乙状结肠89例(24.6%),降结肠28(7.7%),横结肠26(7.2%),升结肠24(6.6%),回盲部6(1.7%),多部位49例(13.5%)。病理检查诊断腺瘤性息肉209例(57.7%),其中管状腺瘤86例(41.2%),绒毛状腺瘤78例(37.3%),混合性腺瘤45例(21.5%);非腺瘤性息肉153例(42.3%),其中增生性息肉70例(45.8%),炎性息肉82例(53.6%),幼年性息肉1例(0.7%)。小于10mm182例,其中腺瘤性息肉60例,非腺瘤性息肉122例;10-20mm141例,其中腺瘤性息肉111例,非腺瘤性息肉30例;大于20mm39例,其中腺瘤性息肉38例,非腺瘤性息肉1例。结论:大肠息肉高发于直肠和乙状结肠,病理类型以腺瘤性息肉最为多见,而且息肉越大,腺瘤性息肉比例越高。 Objective: To study the predilection sites and pathological types of colorectal polyps in the elderly. Methods: The pathogenesis and pathological types of senile colorectal polyps detected in electronic colonoscopy were analyzed and summarized. Results: Of the 362 elderly patients with colorectal polyps, 268 (74.%) were male and 114 (26%) were female. Polyps were located in 140 cases of rectum (38.7%), 89 cases of sigmoid colon (24.6%), 28 cases of descending colon (7.7%), 26 cases of transverse colon (7.2% Multiple sites in 49 cases (13.5%). There were 209 cases (57.7%) of adenomatous polyps diagnosed by pathology, of which 86 cases (41.2%) had tubular adenoma, 78 cases (37.3%) with villous adenoma and 45 cases (21.5%) with mixed adenoma. There were 153 cases (42.3%) of polyps, of which 70 cases (45.8%) had polypoid polyps, 82 cases (53.6%) had inflammatory polyps, and 1 case (0.7%) had polypoid polyps. Less than 10mm182 cases, of which 60 cases of adenomatous polyps, 122 cases of non-adenomatous polyps; 10-20mm141 cases, including 111 cases of adenomatous polyps, 30 cases of non-adenomatous polyps; more than 20mm39 cases of adenomatous polyps 38 cases, 1 case of non-adenomatous polyps. Conclusion: The colorectal polyps are most often found in the rectum and sigmoid colon. The most common pathological types are adenomatous polyps. The larger the polyps, the higher the proportion of adenomatous polyps.
在“中国青年五四奖章”的采访现场,来自河南省南阳市镇平县高丘镇的黑虎庙小学校长张玉滚是各家媒体争相采访的对象。这个坚守大山深处18载、先后培养出22名大学生的“80后”小学校长在近年来获得了诸多荣誉——“时代楷模”、“感动中国”2018年度人物、“全国教书育人楷模”……张玉滚说,自己只想做好一件事,那就是“改变山里娃命运,点燃深山孩子希望”。  相比实际年龄,张玉滚显得有些沧桑,尚未到不惑年纪的他
【摘要】随着我国经济的快速发展,人们对于社会文化更加重视,尤其重视对传统文化的继承与弘扬。文物藏品作为传统文化的载体,承载着厚重的历史文化,承担着继承与弘扬传统文化的重要责任。目前,我国的文物藏品多收藏于博物馆之中,做好文物藏品的管理工作至关重要,文物藏品管理是博物馆管理工作的基础,要做好文物藏品的陈列和保护,规范文物藏品管理工作。  【关键词】文物藏品;文物保管;文物保护;管理对策  【中图分类