合霉素於晚近几年在临床上得到了广泛的应用。这一制剂最初是在1949年被从放射菌属Streptomyces Venezuele培养物中提出的。它对葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、伤寒及痢疾杆菌、百日咳杆菌和致病性厌氧菌具有强烈的制菌作用。合霉素的毒性较小,每次服用0.5—1.5克时,通常耐受性尚良好。一昼夜的剂量为3—5克,每一疗程使用25—30克。合霉素巳广泛应用於眼科临床(在结膜出现炎症现象时,应用0.25%合霉素滴剂)。在皮肤病科临床中,於脓疱性、硬结性和蜂窝织炎性痤疮时,可内服合霉
Clindamycin in recent years in clinical has been widely used. This formulation was first proposed in 1949 from Streptomyces Venezuele cultures. It has a strong bacteriostasis against Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, typhoid and dysentery bacilli, Bordetella pertussis and pathogenic anaerobes. Tetracycline is less toxic and usually tolerated well at 0.5-1.5 grams per dose. A day and night dose of 3-5 grams, each course of use 25-30 grams. Clindamycin has been widely used in clinical ophthalmology (in conjunctival inflammation occurs, the application of 0.25% chloramphenicol drops). In dermatology clinical, in pustular, induration and cellular inflammation of acne, can be oral administration of mold