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Fe-Cu thin films of 0.2μm in thickness with different Cu contents were prepared by using r.f. magnetron sputtering onto glass substrate. The effect of sputtering param-eters, including Ar gas pressure and input rf power, on the structure and magnetic properties was investigated. It was found that when the power is lower than 70 W, the structure of the films remained single bcc-Fe phase with Cu solubility of up to 50at.%. TEM observations for the bcc-Fe phase showed that the grain size was in the nanometer range of less than 20nm. The coercivity of Fe-Cu films was largely affected by not only Ar gas pressure but also rf power, and reached about 2.5Oe in the pressure of 0.67-6.67Pa and in the power of less than WOW. In addition, saturation magnetization, with Cu content less than 60at. %, was about proportional to the con-tent of bcc-Fe. When Cu content was at 60at.%, however, saturation magnetization was much smaller than its calculation value. Fe-Cu thin films of 0.2 μm in thickness with different Cu contents were prepared by using rf magnetron sputtering onto glass substrates. The effect of sputtering param-eters, including Ar gas pressure and input rf power, on the structure and magnetic properties was investigated . It was found that when the power is lower than 70 W, the structure of the films was single single bcc-Fe phase with Cu solubility of up to 50 at.%. TEM observations for the bcc-Fe phase showed that the grain size was in the nanometer range of less than 20 nm. The coercivity of Fe-Cu films was largely affected by not only only argon gas but also rf power, and reached about 2.5Oe in the pressure of 0.67-6.67 Pa and in the power of less than WOW .%, However, saturation magnetization was smaller than than 60 at.%, Was about proportional to the con-tent of bcc-Fe.
中国钢协粉末冶金协会第三届第一次会员大会在北京怀柔隆重召开$中国钢协粉未冶金协会秘书处 China Association of Powder Metallurgy Association the first time the thi
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就放置时间、温度、盐类对精氨酸坂口试剂测定法的影响进行研究,得出结论:T=20.5℃,放置时间为40min及加入0.1mg/mL的盐溶液对标准曲线进行校正,使此测定方法准确度提高。 The effects of time, tem
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国制冷学会2002年重点学术会议一览表 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view pro