自《药品管理法》颁布实施以来,药品经营企业、医疗单位、医药市场的中药假劣品种逐年减少,我市的中药材质量有了明显提高,保证了人民群众的用药安全。但是,由于种种原因制售伪劣中药的人和事时有发生。剖析中药材查处中形形色色的伪劣中药案件,分析我市中药材伪劣品种出现的原因,主要有以下几个方面: 一、不法药贩精心制作,伪造贵重药材、如以面粉作原料,用特制的模具压制的假冬虫夏草;以麝皮制作香囊,里面填充大量冰片、血粉和其它杂质或在散装麝香中掺入大量血粉、花粉、蛋黄、奶酪、肌肉等动、植物及矿物粉末;以松香、颜料制作假血竭;以牛骨粘以皮毛,用颜料涂色或以烙铁烙上花纹充虎
Since the promulgation and implementation of the “Drug Administration Law”, the number of counterfeit and inferior varieties of traditional Chinese medicines in drug trading companies, medical units and the pharmaceutical market has been decreasing year by year. The quality of Chinese herbal medicines in our city has been significantly improved, ensuring the safety of the people’s medication. However, due to various reasons, manufacturers and sellers of counterfeit Chinese medicines occur frequently. Analyze all kinds of fake and inferior Chinese medicine cases in Chinese herbal medicine investigations and analyze the reasons for the occurrence of shoddy and inferior varieties of Chinese herbal medicines. The main aspects are as follows: 1. The illegal drug dealers elaborately crafted and forged precious herbs, such as flour as raw material, using special products False caterpillar fungus that is pressed by moulds; sachets are made from tanned skin, filled with large amounts of borneol, blood powder and other impurities; or in bulk musks, a large number of animal, plant and mineral powders such as blood meal, pollen, egg yolk, cheese and muscle are used; rosin, Pigments made of fake blood; stick to the skin with beef bones, coloring with pigments or ironing on iron with patterns to fill the tiger