广西师大图书馆从一九八八年下半年开始,组建了一个专题组,开始了艰难的行程,途中困难重重。但是,由于有校领导、馆领导的支持,学生的普遍拥护,如今,总算搭起了架子。下面对这个专题组作一个初步介绍,以期望得到同行的指教。 1、八八专题服务组的起源八八专题服务组的建立,并非我馆的独创,国内外做此项工作的己有不少: 温州以及遍及全国的信息专业户,就是每
Guangxi Normal University Library from the second half of 1988, formed a special group, began a difficult journey, en route to difficulties. However, due to the support of university leaders and museum leaders, and the general support of students, they have now finally set themselves up. The following group to make a preliminary introduction of this project, in the hope of peer advice. 1. The Origin of the 88th Specialized Service Group The establishment of the 88th special service group is not the original one of our museum. There are quite a few domestic and foreign professionalists doing this work: Wenzhou and other information professionals all over the country are