为摸清寒区冻伤和冻疮发病规律,作好防冻工作,1984年12月至1985年1月,我们在黑河地区对234例冻伤和255例冻疮进行了发病因素调查。现将结果报告如下: 调查对象与方法 (一) 调查对象调查的主要对象是黑河市内和效区西岗镇的中、小学教职员和学生,黑河市和嫩江县驻军某部,以及黑河市立医院、嫩江县立医院的门诊及住院冻伤和冻疮患者。 (二) 调查方法对每例患者按预先印制的冻伤、冻疮调查卡片,由医师亲自检查诊断并逐项填写各项内容。
In order to find out the incidence of frostbite and chilblains in the cold area and make antifreeze work, from December 1984 to January 1985, we investigated 234 cases of frostbite and 255 cases of frostbite in Heihe. The results are reported as follows: The survey and methods (a) the main target survey respondents in Heihe City and the effective area of Xigang town primary and secondary school staff and students, Heihe City and Nenjiang County garrison, and Heihe Municipal Hospital , Nenjiang County Hospital outpatient and hospitalized patients with frostbite and frostbite. (B) the survey method for each patient press pre-printed frostbite, frostbite investigation card, physicians personally check the diagnosis and itemized by item.