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Famously weather-obsessed British people spend on average six months of their lives talking about whether it's going to rain or shine,according to a survey published recently.
汉玉精雕:《孟子》选Excerpts from Mencius  梁惠王(下)  King Hui of Liang (Part II)  King Xuan of Qi went to see Mencius, who was accommodated in the Snow Palace. "Do people of merit also take pleasure in this?" ask
We didn't have a dog, but my father, a practical man, decided not to remove the "Beware of Dog" sign that the house's previous owners had left on the driveway1 gate. We were transplants2 twice over-he
It once occurred to a certain king that if he always knew the right time to begin everything, if he knew who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid, and, above all, if he always knew wha
Deep in the human psyche, whatever the rational pleadings of physics and chemistry, there exists a sense that biology is different, is more than just the sum of atoms moving about and reacting with on
Sometime in 2008, the world entered the age of Lady Gaga.
The gap between the rich and the poor has been growing wider for some time, but the really rich have now achieved escape velocity'. They have far more money than ever before--and a mind-boggling~ numb
Yesterday, I received my school picture in my email inbox'. After I noticed the absurd length of my hair (is it really that long?) and the unflattering angle of the picture,21 realized that this was t
Earlier this year I participated in an unusual video series called Wisdom Keepers. It's planned as a number of short interviews with older people of accomplishment, from dancers to environmentalists t