创业夫妻:Ryan Kuhlman是一名电影导演,Lauren Tafuri是一名造型与服装设计师。这对夫妇共同成立了Preppi——一个制造高级应急生存包的公司。他们在自家位于洛杉矶市区的阁楼里经营着这家初创公司。灵光一闪:在2014年经历了一次小地震之后,这对夫妇意识到,自己得在家里备上一个装有储备物资的应急包以应对紧急状态。“我们开始询问周围的朋友,打听他们的地震应急包里都有些什么。但很快我们便被震惊了,几乎没有人为此做任何准备。也许十个人里也就能有一个人拥有地震应急包吧。”Kuhlman说。军用品商店和体育用品店里售卖的预装好的应急包很贵,而且没有他们真正需要的东西。因此,他们决定自己做一个应急包
Entrepreneurship: Ryan Kuhlman is a film director and Lauren Tafuri is a modeling and fashion designer. The couple co-founded Preppi, a company that makes Advanced Emergency Survival Packs. They run the startup in their loft in downtown Los Angeles. A flash of flashes: After a small earthquake in 2014, the couple realized they had to have an emergency kit at home equipped with stockpiles to cope with emergencies. “We started asking around friends about what they had in the earthquake emergency kit, but soon we were appalled and few were prepared for it, maybe one in ten would have a quake-emergency kit Right, ”Kuhlman said. Pre-installed emergency kits sold in military and sporting goods stores are expensive and do not have what they really need. Therefore, they decided to make an emergency kit themselves