伊顿公学,全世界最显赫 的贵族子弟学府。自1440年英 王亨利六世创建以来,已有 565年的历史。今天,它已不 仅是一个贵族男校,而且被称 为“世界级精英人才的摇篮”。 伊顿公学不仅是精英教育的 典范,同时,也象征着荣誉与 地位。 每年,生均缴纳学费2万 3千英镑起,这就是不折不扣 的就读伊顿的代价。然而,在 英国却有这样一种说法,“受 教育是很费钱的,但到了伊顿 就不费钱”。近日,英国伊顿公 学校长托尼·里特(Tony Little)应主办方浦东新区社 会发展局之邀来到上海,以 “传统与现代教育的融合”为 主题,就如何培养年轻人的领 导力、自信心、创造能力及传 统教育理念传承与发展等问 题,与中国的中学校长展开热 烈讨论。活动期间,里特接受 了本刊记者的专访。
Eton College, the most prestigious aristocratic school in the world. Since the creation of King Henry VI of England in 1440, it has been 565 years old. Today, it is not only a noble school for men, but it is also called “the cradle of world-class talent”. Eton School is not only a model of elite education, but also a symbol of honor and status. Every year, students pay tuition fees of £23,000, which is the price of attending Eaton. However, there is a saying in the United Kingdom that “education is very expensive, but it does not cost to Eaton”. Recently, Tony Little, the president of British Eton College, came to Shanghai with the invitation of the Pudong New Area Social Development Bureau to take the theme of “the integration of tradition and modern education” on how to cultivate young people’s leadership. Confidence, creativity, and the heritage and development of traditional education concepts have been discussed with Chinese school principals. During the event, Ritter received an exclusive interview with this reporter.