贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想最关键就是,要始终坚持立党为公、执政为民,一切做到权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋,随时随地想群众所虑,急群众所难,谋群众所求。 深圳市交通局是主管深圳大交通的政府职能部门,我们工作的一切出发点,是要为保障和促进深圳经济的大发展服务,为保障和促进全市人民群众的根本利益服务。因此,我们一定要努力践行“三个代表”,牢牢把握“两个务必”,按照市委提出的建设国际化城市的目标,落实市政府提出的“净畅宁工程”的要求,去规划大交通组织,综合治理城市交通,陆海空全方位联动,大交通一体化推进,确保人畅其流、物畅其流、车畅其流,让市民出门有车坐,坐车有选择,让老百姓坐上干净车、安全车、放心车。
The key to implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is to always uphold the principle of building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people, that all should be done for the benefit of the people, love for the people, benefit for the people, think of the masses whenever and wherever possible Concerned, anxious people find it hard to seek the masses. The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation is the government department in charge of the Shenzhen Grand Traffic. All the starting points of our work are to serve for safeguarding and promoting the great development of the economy in Shenzhen and for safeguarding and promoting the fundamental interests of the people in the city. Therefore, we must strive to implement the “three represents” and firmly grasp the “two musts”. In accordance with the goal of building an international city proposed by the municipal party committee, we must fulfill the requirements of the “Clean Changning Project” proposed by the municipal government and plan Large transport organizations, comprehensive management of urban transport, land, sea and all-round linkage, integration of large-scale transport to ensure that people flow freely, smooth flow of goods, smooth flow of traffic, so that people go out to have a car ride, the car has a choice, so that people sit On the clean car, safety car, rest assured car.