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买计算机是一门专门的学问。在美国已成为一种专门职业。这些人,既是懂得计算机的性能和应用的技术专家,又是熟悉市场和购买策略的商业专家。本文作者就是这样的专家。在美国,高等学校、研究所甚至计算机制造厂选购计算机,均委托顾问公司。因为:A.计算机技术和市场情况千变万化,非专家很难精通;B.用户向计算机公司购买一套,系按另售价(例如150万元),顾问公司汇集各用户所需向各部件的制造厂成批订购(OEM,original equipment manufacturing)可以打很大折扣(例如100万)加上顾问费10%,仍然便宜40万元;C.可以请顾问公司配软件、训练、维修。中国远隔重洋,难以了解国外技术和市场细节,而外国厂家、顾问公司又不了解中国具体情况。在选购中遇到困难和问题,是可以理解的。读者纷纷来信反映购非所需、价格高昂、维修困难……。这里,本刊特约本文回答一部分问题,今后将陆续介绍并开辟读者服务园地。至于具体的选购工作,则有待于既了解国外市场又了解中国情况的、热心中国的计算机专家组成顾问公司进行商业服务,才能收到经济实效。 To buy a computer is a specialized knowledge. In the United States has become a specialized profession. These people are both technical experts who understand the performance and applications of computers and business experts who are familiar with marketing and buying strategies. The author of this article is such an expert. In the United States, colleges and universities, research institutes and even computer manufacturers buy computers, commissioned consultants. Because: A. The ever-changing computer technology and market conditions, non-experts is difficult to master; B. Users to the computer company to buy a set, according to another price (such as 1.5 million), consultants to bring together the various components required by the user OEM (OEM, original equipment manufacturing) can play a big discount (such as 1000000) plus consulting fees 10%, still 400000 yuan cheaper ;. C consultants can be equipped with software, training, maintenance. China is far behind and difficult to understand the details of foreign technologies and markets while foreign manufacturers and consultants do not understand the specific conditions in China. In the purchase of difficulties and problems encountered, it is understandable. Readers have letters to reflect the purchase of non-essential, expensive, maintenance difficulties ... ... Here, this special issue of this article to answer some of the questions in the future will be introduced and opened up the reader service area. As for the specific purchase work, we need to understand the situation in both foreign markets and China, enthusiastic Chinese computer experts consultants to conduct business services in order to receive economic results.
五、殷鉴古今,吸取养料,在学习上不放松 从反腐斗争中暴露出来的大量事实证明,一些人从领导干部(包括少数秘书)蜕化为腐败分子,一个致命的原因就是重权重势,鄙薄学习。他们
腐败成本是指人们在权力与利益相交换时所作的投入 ,或者说所付出的代价。腐败作为公权执掌者的非法谋利行为 ,其出发点和归宿就是追逐和实现个人或者团体的利益 ,这是腐败行