中国共产党从诞生以来,已经走过了整整80年的光辉历程。 80年来,为着民族解放、社会进步和人民幸福,中国共产党团结广大中国人民进行了不屈不挠的英勇斗争,并且始终站在斗争的最前列。 80年的道路不是一帆风顺的。为了在这个占世界人口四分之一的贫穷而落后的国家里夺得革命的胜利,建设一个新的社会,中国共产党创造过令举世震惊的人间奇迹,树立了一座座丰碑,也面对过许多困难,遭受过严重挫折。但是不管什么困难和挫折,都阻挡不了它的前进。
Since its birth, the Chinese Communist Party has gone through a brilliant course of 80 years. Over the past 80 years, in order to liberate the nation, promote social progress and people’s well-being, the Chinese Communist Party has conducted an indefatigable heroic struggle against the masses of Chinese people and has always stood at the forefront of the struggle. 80 years of the road is not easy. In order to win the revolutionary victory and build a new society in this backward country, which accounts for one fourth of the world’s population, the Chinese Communist Party has created the world-wide wonders of miracles, set up a monumental monument and faced Many difficulties have suffered serious setbacks. However, no matter what difficulties and setbacks can stop its progress.