目的 :探讨针孔视力在眼科流行病学调查中的应用及其意义。方法 :于 2 0 0 1年对北京市内 5个干休所所在的社区 4 0岁以上共 2 4 71人进行了眼病流行病学调查。其中视力检查包括裸眼视力、针孔视力、验光和矫正视力。计入本次分析者共计 2 891只眼。结果 :对 2 891只眼的针孔视力与矫正视力进行比较发现 ,针孔视力与矫正视力完全、近完全及基本符合率约为 80 %。针孔视力小于矫正视力的原因可能与远视和近视的程度偏高有关。结论 :由于针孔视力与矫正视力的符合率较高 ,而且用针孔检测视力方法简单 ,易于掌握 ,因而在临床、大量人群的筛查或眼科流行病学调查中很有实用价值
Objective: To investigate the application of pinhole vision in ophthalmology epidemiology and its significance. Methods: In 2001, an epidemiological study of eye disease was conducted in 2 071 people over 4 years old in 5 communities in Beijing. Visual acuity includes uncorrected visual acuity, pinhole acuity, optometry and corrected visual acuity. Included in this analysis a total of 2 891 eyes. Results: The pinhole visual acuity and corrected visual acuity in 2 891 eyes were compared completely, nearly complete and the basic coincidence rate was about 80%. Pinhole visual acuity less than corrective vision may be related to the high degree of hyperopia and myopia. Conclusion: Because of the high coincidence rate of pinhole visual acuity and corrected visual acuity, and the method of pinhole visual acuity detection is simple and easy to grasp, it is of great practical value in the clinical screening of large population or ophthalmological epidemiological investigation