戏曲,这一经千年积淀形成的民族文化遗产,曾经是皇亲国戚、达官显宦们穷奢极欲下的贡品,也同样为平民百姓、下里巴人消愁解闷的精神寄托;上唱堂会,下演草台,不同群体它都能包容其中。可以说,戏曲的过去时有着其它任何文学艺术形式无可比拟的审美共享效应。 时至今日,戏曲情结依旧,但时代却改变了它的审美客体。经济大潮加速了中国迈向知识经济的步伐,网络科技、生物技术、股票、WTO等正影响着我们
The opera, once formed by the accumulation of thousands of years of national cultural heritage, was once the patriarchal clan royal family, up to the officials who show their desires under the extravagant tribute, but also for the common people, Stage dramas, different groups it can accommodate them. It can be said that the past tunes of the drama have the aesthetic effect of sharing any other form of literature and art unparalleled. Today, the drama complex still, but the time has changed its aesthetic object. The economic tide accelerated the pace of China’s move toward a knowledge-based economy. Internet technology, biotechnology, stocks, the WTO and others are all affecting us