一、概述 组合夹具是我厂的主要民品,平面磨削工作量大,要求高,是牛产薄弱环节。所用M7120A平面磨床都是60年代产品,二班制使用了十多年,多数经过几次大修。机床主轴均为滑动轴承,磨损严重,修理一次磨头只能使用二、三个月。修理时需要重新研磨主轴轴颈、刮研轴承,很难保证得到比较理想的间隙:间隙过大,磨削时易产生波纹,间隙过小则产生抱轴、损伤主轴。
First, an overview Combination fixture is my factory’s main civilian products, surface grinding workload, high demand, is the cattle production of the weak link. Used M7120A surface grinder are 60’s products, two-shift system used for more than 10 years, after several major overhaul. The spindle is a sliding bearing, wear and tear, repair a grinding head can only be used two or three months. Grinding need to re-grinding the spindle journal, scraping the bearing, it is difficult to ensure that the ideal gap: the gap is too large, easy to produce ripple grinding, the gap is too small to produce the shaft, spindle damage.