研究结果表明:(1)广义遗传力的大小趋势是:株高>抽穗期、开花期、成熟期> 主穗粒重、主穗总小穗数、主穗粒数>千粒重;(2)生育期三性状间存在极显著正相关;抽穗期与三个穗部性状也有一定的正相关;但与千粒重、株高则无确定关系;(3)主穗总小穗数主要表现中间遗传,其他性状都表现不同程度的部分显性、显性或超显性;(4)出现超亲遗传,但只有当双亲相对性状相差较小时才有一定比例(2—23%)的超高亲个体和极少数(1.14—3.33%)超低亲个体。根据试验结果对早熟高产育种中亲本选配和后代处理问题进行了讨沦。
The results showed as follows: (1) The trend of general heritability was as follows: plant height> heading date, flowering stage and maturity> main grain weight, main spikelet number and main grain number> 1000 grain weight; There was a significant positive correlation between the three traits. The heading date was also positively correlated with the three panicle traits. However, there was no certain relationship with the 1000-grain weight and the plant height. (3) (4) Super-heredity appears, but only a certain proportion (2-23%) of super-high-pro-individuals and Very few (1.14-3.33%) ultra-low pro-individuals. Based on the results of the experiment, the problems of parental selection and offspring handling in early maturity and high yield breeding were discussed.