甲状腺机能亢进症(甲亢)引起的心律失常多为早搏、房颤等,有时亦可发生心脏传导阻滞。作者等统计顺序住院确诊为甲亢并有心电图记录的82例中,出现传导阻滞者5例,随甲亢被控制或除去诱因后传导阻滞消失。现报道如下,并略加讨论。病例报告例1 女,23岁,因发热、多汗、心慌、胸闷、关节痛1年于1978年1月7日入院。检查:体温38℃,咽部充血,扁桃体Ⅱ度肿大。轻度突眼,呈凝视状态,甲状腹Ⅱ度肿大,有血管杂音。心脏向两侧扩大,心率90次/分,律齐,心尖部Ⅱ级吹风性收缩期杂音,可闻及第三心音。股动脉处可闻及枪击音。甲状腺吸~(131)碘率:4小时54.3%,6小时46.2%,24小
Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) caused by arrhythmia and more premature beats, atrial fibrillation, and sometimes heart block can occur. Authors such as the statistical sequence of hospitalized diagnosed as hyperthyroidism and ECG records of 82 cases, 5 cases of conduction block, with the hyperthyroidism is controlled or removed after the induction of conduction block disappeared. Now reported as follows, and a little discussion. Case report 1 female, 23 years old, due to fever, hyperhidrosis, palpitation, chest tightness, arthralgia 1 year on January 7, 1978 admission. Check: body temperature 38 ℃, throat congestion, tonsil Ⅱ degree enlargement. Mild exophthalmos, was staring state, thyroid abdominal enlargement, vascular murmur. Enlarge the heart to both sides, the heart rate of 90 beats / min, law Qi, apical grade Ⅱ hair systolic murmur, can be heard and the third heart sound. The femoral artery can smell the sound of gunshots. Thyroid suction ~ (131) iodine rate: 54.3% in 4 hours, 46.2% in 6 hours, 24 hours