Trade volume at China-Vietnam border port bustling

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  01. Trade volume at China-Vietnam border port bustling
  December 4, 2019 (Xinhua) — The cargo volume at southwestern China’s Tianpeng Port, located on the border of Yunnan Province and Vietnam, totaled 63,095 metric tons in the first three quarters of 2019, up 22.86% year-on-year. From January to September, trade value at the port amounted to US$ 46.77 million, expanding 19.71% year-on-year. Border authorities recorded a total of 120,302 inbound and outbound visits in the first nine months, a year-on-year increase of 4.67%. Border trade between China and Vietnam has witnessed rapid growth thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative.
  02. The Philippines’ total goods trade declines by 6.7%
  December 11, 2019 (China Daily) — The Philippines’ total external trade in goods in October 2019 declined by 6.7%, amounting to US$ 15.89 billion from the US$ 17.03 billion external trade in the same month of 2018. Of the total external trade, US$ 6.32 billion or 39.8% were exported goods and US$ 9.57 billion or 60.2% were imported goods, according to the data provided by the Philippine Statistics Authority. The country’s balance of trade in goods in October 2019 recorded a US$ 3.25 billion deficit which was lower by 26.4% from the US$ 4.42 billion deficit in October 2018.
  03. ADB forecasts growth in developing Asia at 5.2% in 2019, 2020
  December 11, 2019 (China Daily) — In a supplement to its Asian Development Outlook 2019 Update released in September, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said it now expects GDP in developing Asia to expand 5.2% in both 2019 and 2020, down from the September forecast of 5.4% growth this year and 5.5% next year. “While growth rates are still solid in developing Asia, persistent trade tensions have taken a toll on the region and are still the biggest risk to the longer-term economic outlook. Domestic investment is also weakening in many countries, as business sentiment has declined,” said ADB Chief Economist Yasuyuki Sawada.
  04. The Philippines beats Thailand to collect gold at SEA Games basketball
  December 11, 2019 (Xinhua) — The Philippines men’s national 5x5 basketball team hammered Thailand 115-81, attaining an 18th gold medal at 30th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in its 20 participations. Both teams entered the final unbeaten after dominant runs through the group stages. Thailand edged Vietnam in the semi-finals while the hosts crushed Indonesia. “What makes me delighted is no one in this team tries to be a star. All of the players are trying harder to be as one, to be together,” said Tim Cone, the head coach of the Philippines, adding that the chemistry in the team is growing stronger and stronger.   05. Direct flights to link Chongqing, Laos
  December 12, 2019 (China Daily) — Southwest China’s Chongqing municipality is going to add two international direct flights to the city of Luang Prabang in Laos and Vientiane, operated by China Express Airlines, officials said. The flight between Chongqing and Luang Prabang will depart Chongqing at 00:30 am every Friday and arrives in Luang Prabang at 1:40 am. It will return from Luang Prabang at 2:40 am and arrives in Chongqing at 5:50 am. The flight between Chongqing and Vientiane will depart Chongqing at 00:35 am every Wednesday and Sunday and arrives in Vientiane at 2:20 am. It will return from Vientiane at 3:20 am and arrives in Chongqing at 6:45 am.
  06. Bagan Run (Myanmar) promotes friendship
  December 16, 2019 (China Daily) — The first Myanmar Run was held in Bagan, attracting over 300 foreign and local participants comprising corporations, running enthusiasts and the local community. Organized by China Daily and RVIPS Publications, two race events — the 10 km Challenge and 5 km Fun Run — took place, with runners appreciating the breathtaking sights and culture of Bagan from start to finish. Positioned as an International Friendship Run, the event was aimed at promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as a healthy lifestyle and friendship.
  07. Experts expect Asia to play lead development role across the world
  December 18, 2019 (China Daily) — Asia is expected to lead the development of block-chain technology worldwide, with China among the key countries to watch next year, according to experts. Jason Potts, professor of economics and director of the Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, said Asian countries, including China, Singapore, South Korea and even Vietnam, are making huge investments in developing early-stage pilot projects and business experiments using block-chain technology. They are focusing on supply chains across a range of industries.
  08. Chinese firm to be master developer for new Malaysian business district
  December 20, 2019 (Xinhua) — The Malaysian government signed an agreement with a consortium which includes a major Chinese company on a major land development project, which Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said will add substantial value to the economy of his country. IWH CREC, the consortium comprising local developer lskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC), signed an agreement with TRX City, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Malaysian finance ministry, acquiring a 60% stake in Bandar Malaysia, a future business district and a major transport hub of Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, according to a joint statement by the involving parties.
在刚刚过去的2019年里,贸易保护主义、单边主义的阴云不仅没有阻隔中国—东盟的经贸合作,反而让双方的经贸关系更为升温。2019年1~11月,东盟超过美国成为了中国的第二大贸易伙伴,其中,中国向东盟出口达3230.9亿美元,同比增长11.5%;中国从东盟进口达2549.5亿美元,同比增长2.8%,中方顺差681.4亿美元,较2018年同期的425.7亿美元增长60.1%。  在为中国—东盟双边贸易额
For China’s Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. 2019 is a year of remarkable accomplishments, in which it achieved the continuous growth amid the depression of the iron and steel industry,
缅甸国务资政昂山素季于2019年12月11日出席位于荷兰海牙的国际法院听证会,回应西非国家冈比亚提出的“缅甸对罗兴亚人进行种族灭绝”指控,这也是首次由国家首脑而非仅派遣律师团到国际法庭辩护。昂山素季这一举动让这场诉讼引发了广泛关注。  英国路透社:昂山素季亲自前往海牙为缅甸政府辩护,令人惊讶,而这可能会进一步恶化她在西方政府眼中的形象。昂山素季原先被西方世界认为是缅甸民主运动领袖,因此饱受赞誉。但
数字经济是近年来不断被提到的热词,它代表着经济数字化、信息化、智能化的趋势,也是世界各国寻求弯道超车、抢抓未来发展的机遇所在,而合作已经成为更好地把握机遇的有利途径,正如中国—东盟所做的那样。  数字经济:中国—东盟合作新空间  2019年11月初在曼谷举行的中国—东盟领导人会议确定,2020年为中国—东盟数字经济合作年。中国国务院总理李克强在会议上建议,积极推动双方在人工智能、大数据、网络安全、
2019年年末,新加坡的贸易前景看起来似乎相当黯淡,因为新加坡的出口已经连续8个月呈现下滑。  这并不稀奇。新加坡属于小型经济体,其贸易的风险敞口高达GDP的396%。如果全球经济发生动荡,新加坡遭受的打击将是最严重的。  面对当前中美贸易战以及世界各地保护主义的抬头,新加坡应该做好准备以应对前路坎坷。  前路上的一点光明?  当然,乌云背后有阳光。2019年11月初,15个国家的领导人在泰国曼谷
我们今天身处的世界依旧纷繁复杂,当经济全球化和多边贸易体制受到进一步挑战时,有人选择筑起防护的“高墙”,也有人选择推开“开放”的大门。虽然多哈回合谈判目前没能给我们一个答案,但区域经济一体化正日渐成为推动贸易投资自由化、便利化的重要方式,各经济体商谈自由贸易区的积极性大幅提升,多个具有影响力的多双边自贸协定相继达成,为世界经济发展注入了些许暖流。  而中国—东盟自贸区作为中国对外商谈的第一个自贸区
说到区域合作的典范,中国—东盟合作不可不谈;而说到中国—东盟合作,中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)与中国—东盟自贸区(以下简称自贸区)这一相生相伴的组合,更是有说不完的亮点与成果。  2000年,中国提出了建设自贸区的构想;2002年,自贸区进程正式启动;2004年,东博会诞生。将东博会与自贸区连接在一起的,是时间的纽带,更是合作的大势所趋。  东博会成功举办的16年,亦是自贸区协议红利不断落实
20世纪80年代,印尼航空业曾经为波音和空客等大型喷气式飞机制造商提供飞机,之后1997年的亚洲金融危机致其崩溃。如今,随着Dirgantara Indonesia(DI)和Regio Aviasi Industri(RAI)两家印尼飞机制造商扩大业务和开发新机型,印尼航空业正准备重新起航。  然而,前路艰辛,维护不善、安全问题和缺乏支持等都是复兴印尼航空之路上将面临的困难。  印尼航空业未来可期
冬日的柬埔寨,依旧热情似火。在金边钻石岛国际会展中心,2019中国—东盟博览会柬埔寨展(以下简称柬埔寨展)灿烂绽放。作为2019东博会境外巡展的最后一站,柬埔寨展用4天时间,不仅向世界展示了中国优质的特色商品,也彰显了东博会促进中柬经贸合作的平台作用。  双展齐“绽放”,喜迎第二个甲子  柬埔寨是东盟成员国,享有中国—东盟关系和双边关系的双重利益。中国已经成为向柬埔寨每年投资超过10亿美元的最大外