面对中国市场的诱惑,梦想着欧米茄那样的成功,瑞士后来者也发起了凌厉的攻势。7月26日,瑞士艾美表(MAURICE LACROIX)找来台湾著名歌星张信哲作为自己的形象代言人,并在上海举行了签约仪式。接下来,艾美还将携手张信哲前往北京和哈尔滨,趁着这个热辣辣的夏天掀起艾美品推的热浪。艾美表1998年才进入中国,至今不过三四个年头,而且尚处于投资亏损期,迄今为止在中国市场的投入已达4000多万元。但对于将来的发展前景,艾美表总裁孟宪庭(Denis M.G.Martinet)显得非常有信心。其理由与欧科华先生如出一辙。
The face of the temptation of the Chinese market, dreaming of the success of Omega, Switzerland later also launched a fierce offensive. July 26, Swiss Maurice Lacroix (MAURICE LACROIX) to find the famous Taiwanese singer Zhang Xinzhe as their own image spokesman, and held a signing ceremony in Shanghai. Next, Le Meridien will also work with Jeff Chang to Beijing and Harbin, taking advantage of this hot summer Amy pushed the heat wave. Le Meridien entered China in 1998, but only 34 years, but still in the investment loss period, so far in the Chinese market has reached more than 4000 million investment. But for future growth prospects, Maurice Lacroix president Denis M.G.Martinet appears very confident. The reason is exactly the same with Mr. Ou Kehua.