Based on the analysis of the geochemical elements of travertine in terraces of the ancient lakeshore of Lake Unraren in the west Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the characteristics of the elements of travertine deposits and their paleoenvironmental significance are discussed. The results showed that the content of CaO in travertine was 34.75% -58.48%, which was the main component. In addition, a small amount of MgO, K2O and Na2O were contained in the travertine, whose content was less than 3%. Compared with the paleo-water level of the lake, the content of Mg and Ca / Mg ratio did not have obvious regularity to the lake water level. The K2O and Na2O contents were low and stable above the ancient lake about 4777 ± 5m, Under 4777 ± 5m, the content of K2O and Na2O gradually increased with the decrease of lake water level. Based on the sedimentary characteristics of modern lake travertine, the results show that the contents of K 2 O and Na 2 O increase with the increase of lake salinity, indicating that K 2 O and Na 2 O contents in travertine may be inversely related to the lake water level, which is potential for reconstructing lake water level or salinity Alternative indicators. At the same time, it was found that K and Na in lake water are in the enrichment stage and K 2 O and Na 2 O content in travertine lake are low and stable in lakes relatively desalting stage. When lakes enter saltwater stage, K + and Na + ions in lake water Close to saturation, elements K and Na in travertine are gradually enriched. Therefore, the increase of K 2 O and Na 2 O content in travertine is an important feature of lakes entering the saltwater phase. Based on these facts, it is inferred that when the water level of the lake drops to about 4777 ± 5m, the nature of the lake starts to transform into sodium-chlorine type, which is an important turning point in the lake evolution of the Anurarin Lake.