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本刊讯4月2日,中华全国供销合作总社第五届理事会第九次全体会议在京召开。会议传达了李克强总理、汪洋副总理对全国春季农业生产暨森林草原防火工作会议的批示、讲话精神,及汪洋副总理在总社呈报的五届九次理事会工作报告上的重要批示精神。总社党组书记、理事会主任王侠代表总社常务理事会在会上作工作报告,回顾总结了供销合作社系统2013年工作成绩并对2014年工作作出部署。总社党组副书记、理事会副主任李春生作会议总结。受中组部委托,中组部干部四局副局长陈玉明在会上就总社理事会副主任调整情况作说明,根据中央提名及总社章程,经总社理事会理事投票选举,肖仲凯当选总社理事会副主任。戴公兴因年龄原因不再担任总社理事会副主任。总社领导班子全体成员出席会议。 On April 2, the Ninth Plenary Session of the Fifth Council of China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives was held in Beijing. The meeting conveyed the instructions and speeches of Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Wang Yang on the national conference on spring agricultural production and forest grassland fire prevention as well as the important instructions of Vice Premier Wang Yang on the work report of the ninth session of the fifth board of directors submitted by the head office. Wang Xia, secretary of the head of the All-Party Group and director of the council, made a work report on behalf of the head office of the head office, reviewed and summarized the achievements of the supply and marketing cooperative system in 2013 and made arrangements for the work in 2014. Mr. Li Chun-sheng, deputy secretary of the CPC Headquarters and vice director of the council, made a summary of the meeting. Commissioned by the Central Organization Department, Chen Yuming, deputy director of the Central Bureau of Cadres and the Fourth Bureau explained the adjustment of the deputy director of the Council of the CPC Central Committee. According to the Central Committee’s nomination and the constitution of the head office, elected by the board of directors of the Council, Xiao Zhongkai was elected Deputy director of the Council. Dai Gongxing is no longer the deputy director of the Council because of his age. All members of the head office of the head office attended the meeting.
101团场60年代初曾种过小面积“露地单作花生”,那时受栽培水平的限制,低产、亏损,直至80年代的中期,农场事隔25年间,无人种过花生。 1987年,良繁站家庭承包户谢洪太同志,以
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