Yangzhou Gift and Houseware Online Matchmaking Meeting for Hong Kong received extensive positive fee

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  In the past year, global economic activities was hit hard by the epidemic, but international buyers’ purchases of gifts have continued unabated. In order to help enterprises overcome the adverse effects of the global epidemic and help Yangzhou’s gift export enterprises to explore foreign markets, based on the characteristics of Yangzhou’s foreign trade industry, Yangzhou Gift and Houseware Online Matchmaking Meeting for Hong Kong, hosted by Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province and organized by China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. was successfully concluded on June 28, 2021.
  In terms of investment promotion, the organizer utilized the company’s sales team to invite gift export enterprises in Yangzhou through telephone one-to-one invitation, database group e-mail and other means. At the same time, it publicized the matchmaking meeting by visiting local business associations and gain recommendation from Nanjing Bureau of Commerce, striving to let more Yangzhou enterprises know about the meeting.
  With the strong support of Yangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Yangzhou gift enterprises signed up enthusiastically and completed the task of supplier recruitment five days in advance. In order to ensure the recruitment quality of overseas purchasers, the organizer actively recruited Hong Kong trade buyers through its own high-quality overseas resource platforms and a number of overseas cooperation agencies.

  In order to ensure the matching accuracy of the docking meeting, the organizer conducted in-depth research on the characteristics of the gift industry in Yangzhou, and arranged dedicated personnel to visit Yangzhou gift enterprises in person to understand the situation and needs of enterprises. In addition to local enterprises in Hong Kong, overseas purchasers also included companies registered in Hong Kong from India, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Spain, South Korea, Japan and other countries and regions, reflecting the highly international characteristics of the meeting.
  Due to the successful publicity and training of enterprises in the pre-matching stage, the enthusiasm of participating enterprises to negotiate was high, and sufficient preparations have been made. The means of product display are diversified, in addition to live online video and PPT as a supplement to the negotiation. According to the statistics after the meeting, this docking meeting reached 268 sessions in total, with an average of 5.3 sessions/ enterprise. In the follow-up survey of the participating enterprises, the overall feedback of the enterprises was generally positive.
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