记得前些年,有位专业从事金边瑞香栽培的行家在刊物上讲,金边瑞香是稀罕之物,在各地尚未能推广栽培,究其原因是移植非常困难,而且娇嫩难养,繁殖更是谈何容易。而今10多年过去了,经过众多园艺工作者和爱好者的悉心摸索,至少在盆栽方面已有了较大的提高,对家庭来说,金边瑞香的养护已经不难了。概括起来,金边瑞香有以下几个特性值得一书: ◆对空气湿度适应性强金边
I remember a few years ago, a professional Phyllostachys cultivation experts said in the publication, Phnom Penh Ruixiang is a rarity in all parts of the promotion has not yet been cultivated, the reason is the transplant is very difficult, and delicate and difficult to keep, reproductive even more How easy it is to talk. Now more than 10 years later, after many garden workers and enthusiasts painstaking exploration, at least in the pot has been greatly improved, for families, the maintenance of Phnom Penh Rui Hong is not difficult. To sum up, Phnom Penh Rui Hong has the following characteristics worth a book: ◆ adaptability to air humidity Phnom Penh