在河北省邯郸市,提起市供销社主任、党委书记、武装部第一书记王致学,人们无不佩服他的国防情结。王致学任职12年来,供销社的武装工作年年在全市夺冠,连年被省、市评为民兵工作、拥军优属、国防教育先进单位,他本人也多次被省、市评为拥军优属、党管武装先进个人。 邯郸市供销社是国家大型一类企业,拥有干部职工5000多人,资产7亿多元。在市场经济大潮中,王致学曾以敢闯敢试在冀南大地享有盛名,如果提起他的国防情结,干部职工同样如数家珍。早在六七十年代,他在某部坦克连当连长时就曾多次立功受
In Handan City, Hebei Province, Wang Zixue, chief of the party committee and party secretary and first secretary of the armed forces department, was brought up. People all admired his national defense complex. After serving for 12 years, Wang Zhuxue has won the armed work of the supply and marketing cooperatives year after year in the city. In recent years, he was appraised as a militia and advanced unit in national defense education by provincial and municipal governments. He himself was repeatedly appraised as the superior army by the provincial and municipal governments and advanced by the party in armed control personal. Handan City, supply and marketing cooperatives is a large state-owned enterprises, with more than 5,000 cadres and workers, assets 700 million yuan. In the tide of market economy, Wang Zhixue once dared to dare to try in the great reputation of the land in southern Hebei. If he mentioned his national defense complex, the cadres and workers were equally familiar. As early as the sixties and seventies, he had repeatedly meritorious service in a tank even company commander