简要地介绍了美国激光惯性约束聚变能源(LIFE)的研究现状与发展前景。基于美国国家点火装置(NIF)的近期进展,美国利弗莫尔实验室提出了激光惯性约束聚变能源设想,并开始了分解研究。设想用新型二极管泵浦固体激光器产生1.4~2.0 MJ的激光能量,靶丸聚变增益25~30,打靶频率10~15Hz,实现350~500 MW聚变功率,相当于聚变中子源强1.3×1020~1.8×1020n/s。以此驱动次临界裂变包层,使能量再倍增4~10倍,实现1 GW电功率的输出。采用创新设计的燃料元件,包层可达到90%以上的燃耗深度,形成一个安全、无碳、燃料资源丰富、核废料少、可持续发展的新型核能源系统。
The research status and development prospects of laser inertial confinement fusion energy (LIFE) in the United States are briefly introduced. Based on the recent progress of the National Ignition Device (NIF), the Livermore Laboratory in the United States proposed the concept of laser inertial confinement fusion energy and started the decomposition study. Imagine using the new diode-pumped solid-state laser to produce laser energy of 1.4 ~ 2.0 MJ, target fusion gain of 25 ~ 30, target frequency of 10 ~ 15Hz and achieve fusion power of 350 ~ 500 MW, which is equivalent to 1.3 × 1020 ~ 1.8 × 1020 n / s. In this way, the sub-critical fission cladding is driven, doubling the energy by 4 to 10 times to achieve the output of 1 GW of electric power. Using innovatively designed fuel elements, the cladding achieves over 90% burnup depth and forms a new nuclear energy system that is safe, carbon-free, fuel-rich, with less nuclear waste and sustainable development.