近日,韩国LG集团宣布,旗下两款颈戴式蓝牙耳机HBS-910及HBS-1100正式在中国发售,这是继HBS-900之后,LG集团HBS系列蓝牙耳机在中国发售的又一续作。此前,HBS-910及HBS-1100已亮相2016 CES Asia展,并凭借其美观的造型、出色的音质及舒适的佩戴体验获得广泛关注。简约的现代设计人体工学颈戴式佩戴设计可以让使用者在使用时将耳机调整到身体最舒适的位置,伸缩式的耳塞则大大提高了操作的便利性及用户使用的舒适度。此外,HBS-1100耳机的前端
Recently, South Korea’s LG Group announced that its two neck-mounted Bluetooth Headset HBS-910 and HBS-1100 were officially launched in China. This is the second sequel to the sale of the HBS Bluetooth Headset in China following HBS-900. Previously, the HBS-910 and HBS-1100 debuted at CES Asia 2016 and received extensive attention for their aesthetic appearance, excellent sound quality and comfortable wearing experience. Simple modern design ergonomic neck wear designed to allow users to use the headset to adjust to the most comfortable body position, telescopic earplugs will greatly improve the convenience of operation and user comfort. In addition, the front of the HBS-1100 headphone