Chinese medicine decoction is a commonly used form of traditional Chinese medicine, which is characterized by pills, tablets, powders and other absorption faster, rapid action, so the general disease or acute disease should be treated with decoction. The quality of Chinese decoction as well as the correct method of taking a direct impact on the efficacy of drug treatment. The predecessors in the decoction, medication, but also accumulated a lot of experience, we must also pay attention to learn from these valuable experience. For example, ”Treatise on Febrile Diseases“ in the decoction of Guizhi Decoction: ”... ... medicine to take a cup of seven cups of water, Weihuo Jian three cups to remove dregs, warm clothes a cup, about half an hour, then drink hot gruel A cup to help the drug, covered by lying about two hours, so that sweat moist Khan best, not sweating, such as sweating, the disease will not be removed.